Robdawg v. Maineman - The Background


on indefiniate mod break
What started this recent feud between the two? I know there has always been odds and ends but they seem to really be going at it recently.
Maine you just need to put dix on Ignore like I just did.
The poop mouthed bastard just implied that I supported spitting on returning troops and calling them baby killers and such. I went thru that!! and fully support the troops, with far more than a made in china yellow ribbon. I DO NOT support that idiot that dixie worships or his war though.

I am certain Dixie has never gone to the VA hospital and visited with mangled vets....Or attended group counseling sessions to try and help them get their lives back together. Because I have been there and done that.
Dixie stays on ignore forever.
Maine you just need to put dix on Ignore like I just did.
The poop mouthed bastard just implied that I supported spitting on returning troops and calling them baby killers and such. I went thru that!! and fully support the troops, with far more than a made in china yellow ribbon. I DO NOT support that idiot that dixie worships or his war though.

I am certain Dixie has never gone to the VA hospital and visited with mangled vets....Or attended group counseling sessions to try and help them get their lives back together. Because I have been there and done that.
Dixie stays on ignore forever.

C'mon now...Dixie's got courage. After all, he told us on FP that he worked for the US Gov in Qatar and also spent time in Iraq dodging roadside bombs and working at US military bases in country.

Surely, Dixie didn't just make up that whole tale. What kind of pathological liar would do that?
Its an ego match, pure and simple, clear as day. You can figure that the more "lol"s rob has in his posts that the more his ego is bruised. Maineman has an ego the size of the himilayas that causes him to get pretty ugly sometimes in defense of itself.

Put em together, throw in rob's inconsistent views that depart from maineman's from time to time, and you've got egos that need to prtect themselves, and thus manifest themselves in ways that represent a form of one-upmanship.
C'mon now...Dixie's got courage. After all, he told us on FP that he worked for the US Gov in Qatar and also spent time in Iraq dodging roadside bombs and working at US military bases in country.

Surely, Dixie didn't just make up that whole tale. What kind of pathological liar would do that?

Dixie is all talk and no walk.
HAHAHA ...I could give you the reason, but then Maine would get pissed at me and accuse me of 'stalking him' and such started on the 'other' site....

If he had the balls he would post his quotes himself.....don't hold your breath...
I have balls.... I lahsed out after rob continued to portray my position vis a vis torturing detainees as "coddling terrorists" and "wanting to have tea and crumpets with terrorists"

I make not apologies for dumping on an inconsistent, intellectual lightweight faggot who insists on forcing everyone to read crap about his cars and his lovelife and his festering sores and his weirdass tenant but who has NEVER served his country yet attempts to besmirch the patriotism of someone like me who has.

So fuck robdawg...and more importantly, fuck write, the stalking douchebag.