
And LadyT we are bashing the heck out of a gay republican. Albeit for his pedo problem, but gay none the less.
And LadyT we are bashing the heck out of a gay republican. Albeit for his pedo problem, but gay none the less.
OUCH! Not true, a pedo is a pedo, regardless of 'straight' or 'gay.' Straights don't accept 'hetero-pedos" as anything but pedo, why should we think a 'same sex' pedo is "gay"? NOT THE SAME!
Well it means he is a gay perv. if he went after little girls he would be a hetro perv. But a perv in any case. Look up the definintion of gay/homosexual.
Yes, but what makes it reprehensible is the fact that the object of his pursuit is a child. Said child's gender is immaterial.

I agree, All pervs should have american flags tatooed all over them and be airdropped to the taliban.
but technically the definition of gay/homosexual does not differientiate in age of the partner. But he coud be bisexual as well.
So you see my issue then. sure they are child molestors but a sexual preference is there indicating homosexuality in this case.