Robdawg's Christmas Card distribution

Last year i did "Christmas" cards, (i say holiday b/c of that insidious war on christmas) WE GOTTA WIN THE WAR!!!!

I sent em out to everyone who sent me an email w/ their address, and I believe the word Dave used to describe my card was 'tits' whatever that means. i don't like 'tits' so maybe it was his way of telling me it sucked. I don't know.

NO i wont order pizza's to your house, or have HSN send you a new compujter or whatever. I did it last year to people on both sides (Klaatu i even sent one) see and he didn't get any ill from me or whatever. Its just to simply do something nice during the holiday season, err i mean CHRISTMAS season

So if you want a holi--err CHRISTMAS card, feel free to send me a U2U and you will probably get one within a few weeks.


:cheer:Go Christmas, its your birthday!!! Its JC's Birthday err not really but its christmas! :cheer:

I don't support the greeting card industry. No cards from here. A visit/letter/call are much more personal.
One of those generic form letters, or individual personalized ones ?
To me Christmas cards and form letters have degraded the holiday spirit of Christmas.
One of those generic form letters, or individual personalized ones ?
To me Christmas cards and form letters have degraded the holiday spirit of Christmas.
Individual letters. I write them while sitting at the tube and watching "Ghost Hunters"...
It makes me laugh when people send xmas cards to people they see on a daily basis. A card is simply Xmas greetings, if you see the person, simply say it.

I only send cards to people who I don't see.

Rob, the 'war on Xmas' is a fictional thing, it is simply Xtian extremists who point to a few silly atheists who think that religion will be defeated by 'banning xmas'....
Spoken like a true cynical divorcee mad at the world.


Little you know, I am a rejoiceful soon to be divorced guy :)
I just don't think personal contact should be replaced by impersonal "greeting cards" of form type merry christmas letters. They are slightly better than no contact though.
It makes me laugh when people send xmas cards to people they see on a daily basis. A card is simply Xmas greetings, if you see the person, simply say it.

I only send cards to people who I don't see.

Rob, the 'war on Xmas' is a fictional thing, it is simply Xtian extremists who point to a few silly atheists who think that religion will be defeated by 'banning xmas'....

The midwinter festivals were going strong long before Christianity came along and co-opted them.
The midwinter festivals were going strong long before Christianity came along and co-opted them.
They weren't just celebrating winter, they were also religious. The assumption that some atheistic winter celebration was coopted is silly. Previous to that it was a Pagan holiday in most western cultures. Saturnalia among the Romans, but it was never some non-religious themed celebration.
It was not a Christian holiday though Damo. do you not know the history of christmas ? I recommend watching for the history of christmas shows that will soon be reun on the history channel.