Robert Scheer: Nuclear War Imminent? | Scheerpost


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This isn't the first time I've seen this type of article since Russia started its military operation in Ukraine, but I definitely think it's good to be reminded of the danger involved. Here's to hoping the following gets a bit of good discussion going...

February 3, 2023

Retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel William J. Astore who served in the nuclear missile command fears the end of human life through nuclear war is more likely than in the Cold War era.

War with China in two years, 90 seconds to midnight, fighter jets to Ukraine. The climate of war is brewing around the world. It is seen flashed across the news, felt by those in close proximity to warzones and sustained by the corporations funding it. Yet, there is no major opposition force, no peace movement and no urgency to move towards diplomacy.

Retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel and writer William J. Astore discusses his latest essay, “Can the Military-Industrial Complex Be Tamed?” with host Robert Scheer on this episode of Scheer Intelligence. Coming from a long career in the military, Astore shares his perspective on the current state of the conflict and how it is both unique and reminiscent of the past, how the reach of the military industrial complex is deeper than ever and how indifferent the population feels.

“We need to act together as citizens to be that vital check on the military industrial congressional complex, which is why I think there are so many forces in our society today that are actually trying to keep us… asleep and isolated from the real impact of war,” Astore says.

Astore speaks of the rot within the business of war and how, despite military officers not necessarily earning a lot of money, a “revolving door” of power and wealth exists with companies like Northrop Grumman, Boeing and Raytheon post-retirement. “To paraphrase Condoleezza Rice, we can’t let the golden idol become a mushroom cloud. And I think, unfortunately, we’re heading in that direction,” he says.


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Nuclear War Imminent? | Scheerpost
That our leaders are so ignorant and reckless cant help but to end in calamity.

I am talking about the Western leaders, the Empires leaders are much higher quality.
Russian propaganda. Go away troll.

If that's the only thing you're going to say in threads I start concerning Russia, perhaps it would be better to just thread ban you in the future. Insults alone just add noise to a thread.
I suspect you're right, especially after his Martian comment in post #6.

Peter Hitchens is the one who has in the last year or so been saying over and over again that he has come to the conclusion that huge segments of the Brit population fundamentally cant think. He blame the ruining of the schools, a problem he wrote a book about, and I think he agrees with Bret and Heather that there are forces who dont want you to after they keep you ignorant by destroying the schools they do their best to keep you confused. A part of that program where they insist loudly and constantly that the opposite of the truth is the truth.....Anti-Truth. Now that is a major mindfuck....and it has worked.

Peter Hitchens shocked me when I first saw him say it on a YouTube.....but over months I decided that he is likely right. I have been overly optimistic thinking that most people could think if they wanted to....that it is the want to that must be fixed.

The problem though is way worse than that I now think.
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Peter Hitchens is the one who has in the last year or so been saying over and over again that he has come to the conclusion that huge segments of the Brit population fundamentally cant think. He blame the ruining of the schools, a problem he wrote a book about, and I think he agrees with Bret and Heather that there are forces who dont want you to after they keep you ignorant by destroying the schools they do their best to keep you confused. A part of that program where they insist loudly and constantly that the opposite of the truth is the truth. That is a major mindfuck....and it has worked.

Peter Hitchens shocked me when I first saw him say it on a YoutTube.....but over months I decided that he is likely right. I have been overly optimistic thinking that most people could think if they wanted to....that it is the want to that must be fixed.

The problem though is way worse than that I now think.

I don't know any of the people you mention above, but I agree that schools have been messed up in many places.
I don't know any of the people you mention above, but I agree that schools have been messed up in many places.

Do you know about anti-truth? Do you ever read claims and say "That is not only not right, it is the exact opposite of what the truth is"?

That does not happen much in real life.....when you see a bunch of it you can be sure much of it is manufactured.

For a reason.
People who are 180 degrees off the truth very much by honest stupidity always have a sense that they are stupid, so they tend to keep their mouth shut. People who talk a lot and speak a lot of Anti-Truth almost have to be doing it on purpose......they hate you that much.
Do you know about anti-truth? Do you ever read claims and say "That is not only not right, it is the exact opposite of what the truth is"?


That does not happen much in real life.....when you see a bunch of it you can be sure much of it is manufactured.

For a reason.

I can certainly agree that a good portion of the mainstream media parrots lies. It's the main reason I generally avoid it. Instead, I read from authors such as Patrick Lawrence, a former New York times writer who nowadays tends to read the New York Times a fair amount, and then break down the various lies within their pages for me. It keeps me informed of the mainstream media's lies without having to do the legwork of figuring out the lies alone.
People who are 180 degrees off the truth very much by honest stupidity always have a sense that they are stupid, so they tend to keep their mouth shut. People who talk a lot and speak a lot of Anti-Truth almost have to be doing it on purpose......they hate you that much.

I find that it's generally a -lot- harder to figure out who believes untruths they tell then simply determining that something someone says isn't true. I tend to play by the rule book of "innocent until proven guilty", but I have certainly -suspected- some people in forums to know the truth, yet profess to believe a given lie. The only way I think that'd make sense is if they were being paid to do that, though, and while there has certainly been evidence that some people have in fact been paid to essentially sell propaganda online, I don't think it's that many people. Which would mean that most people who tell untruths genuinely believe that they are truths.
I find that it's generally a -lot- harder to figure out who believes untruths they tell then simply determining that something someone says isn't true. I tend to play by the rule book of "innocent until proven guilty", but I have certainly -suspected- some people in forums to know the truth, yet profess to believe a given lie. The only way I think that'd make sense is if they were being paid to do that, though, and while there has certainly been evidence that some people have in fact been paid to essentially sell propaganda online, I don't think it's that many people. Which would mean that most people who tell untruths genuinely believe that they are truths.

No, not when they very often loudly and constantly insist that the opposite of the truth is the truth....that is something else.
No, not when they very often loudly and constantly insist that the opposite of the truth is the truth....that is something else.

If you were to name a poster in this forum, I think I could probably find it likely that they do in fact believe whatever it is they're saying. There are certainly people in the real world who I strongly suspect of telling untruths and knowing they're doing it.