Robin Hood


Are you having trouble selling your rambling and innacuracy riddled historical drama screenplay about the effect of one mere peasant on the passage of the Magna Carta and the attempted invasion of France? Why not put in a single irrelevant robbery scene and call it "Robin Hood"? That's the movie I just went to see. /facepalm
I went to see Robin Hood, it torturously and pointlessly dragged on until 1:30, then I decided to take some shots, and 7 shots later here I am. I have to get up at 8, BTW.

BTW, I was right. It was originally an entirely different script and was modified to make the main character Robin Hood.
Awesome. I have to be at work by 6 if I want to get my 10 hours in and still have 10 hours to drink (party at the AMVETS). Plus I' slacked off on the OT for WW.
The entire romantic subplot honestly seemed like something out of a bad sitcom. And I wasn't even rewarded by a softcore porn scene at the end of it.
i saw it and i agree, it was pretty awful.

"knocks Marian off of her horse and she decides it is a good time to take a nap in the ocean, so Robin gets into it with the big bad guy. The bad guy is winning and throws Robin in between 2, D-Day looking landing ships, where Robin is going to get smashed until he realizes he can just go under water.

However when he comes up, he is inexplicably bleeding out of his forehead.

Also, the Joker is running away down the beach (for no reason, he was just winning the fight), and from 400 yards out Robin shoots him through the neck with an arrow.

The battle just ends; the French King tells his army to turn around and go home."

this sums it up nicely:
He shot some people in the first battle scene, and he killed the dude as he was riding away. That was pretty much the only murderin' he done.