"Rollback of Illiberalism Worldwide Act"


IMO, when the present fascist regime is overthrown and the democratic republic is restored, we need to pass an act for the overthrow of illiberalism worldwide.

The executive branch should have the right to declare a current government "illiberal", and apply a number of economic sanctions against them.

Also, it should be required to categorize all political parties worldwide into the categories "liberal" or "illiberal". Those that are put in the "illiberal" class (such as the Socialist party of Venezuala, the Communist party of China, the National Front in France, AKP in Turkey, Likud in Israel, United Russia in Russia, the UKIP and Britain First in Britain, Hamas in Palestine, and Fidesz in Hungary) need to have all their membership forbidden from entering the US, all assets frozen, all credit frozen, forbidden from taking on any credit from the United States, and as well it should be forbidden for any American citizen to provide them with material aid. As well the American executive should be explicitly allowed to drone problematic members of these illiberal organizations when it feels that doing so is conducive to the rollback of illiberalism and the spread of liberal democracy and freedom worldwide.
We should do away with the POTUS and have a council of 50 members--one from each state (fuck you DC and pretend American protectorates)--who have to do everything on a straight up or down vote by the majority.