Romney Goes "Varmint Huntin"


This is so funny, I can't not post it. This gets better every day.

"I'm not a big-game hunter. I've made that very clear," he said. "I've always been a rodent and rabbit hunter. Small varmints, if you will. I began when I was 15 or so and I have hunted those kinds of varmints since then. More than two times."

How Beverly Hillbilly can you get? I been out huntin varmints and rodents all day and I come home and you serve me this for dinner? hahahahhaha

Romney has also supported gun control. When he ran unsuccessfully for the Senate in 1994 he backed the Brady law and a ban on assault-style rifles. As governor, he supported the state's strict gun-control laws and signed into law one of the nation's tougher assault weapons laws.

He joined the National Rifle Association last August as a "Lifetime" member.

I don't know Mitt, I just don't see the Jethro's buying this. I'd say "nice try" but you know, really wasn't.

Full Story:
More than 2 times :)

As I said in the other thread, believe nothing a politico campaining says, look at their back trail to find out what they are really about .
More than 2 times :)

As I said in the other thread, believe nothing a politico campaining says, look at their back trail to find out what they are really about .

Agreed usc. I don't believe any of them.

But this guy, has moved from liar to laughingstock. I mean, this is a Saturday Night Live Skit already written. I don't think you can afford to be a a laughingstock. I say, Romney is going to end up in the scrap heap where he will enjoy the company of John McCain and Rudy Guiliani.
Hey Darla lets form a "Swiftvarmit" group to expose Mitt ?

LOL. Swiftvarmits!

You're a hunter right? My uncle was a hunter. I think I have some idea of how a real hunter would react to a grown man bragging about hunting "varmints and rodents". Isn't that what an exterminator does? He sounds like he's trying to get a job at Terminex.

I crack up every time I think about it.
I don't hunt any more but most around here do.
Yeah Mitt sounds like a city boy trying to play hunter.
He will probably go on a guided hunting tour soon though, for the press. Hope his trip works out better than "shooters" did.

turkey season opens in about a week here, he had better stay away, becuase he is a real gobbler.
Turkey isn't the best place to start. Wild turkeys are incredibly hard to hunt, and dangerous as you have to wear camouflage as they have good vision. Unfortunately inexperienced hunters sometimes shoot each other while hunting turkey.
Turkey isn't the best place to start. Wild turkeys are incredibly hard to hunt, and dangerous as you have to wear camouflage as they have good vision. Unfortunately inexperienced hunters sometimes shoot each other while hunting turkey.

How does Thompson look to you? I think he might be the R's best bet.
I like Duncan Hunter. He's against the madness of our china policy. He was on Medved the other day. Globalist medved didn't challenge him. He knows Hunter would have taken him apart.
I don't know yet. I'm still watching and listening. I like Hagel as well.

I think Hagel is going to run, and is just waiting to see how the R base responds to the continuing war, to decide whether it's going to be on the R ticket, or as an independent. I think a high-profile Independent run would be really good for this country.
Turkey isn't the best place to start. Wild turkeys are incredibly hard to hunt, and dangerous as you have to wear camouflage as they have good vision. Unfortunately inexperienced hunters sometimes shoot each other while hunting turkey.

Depends on the hunter ;)
I got 2 last year with a Sheridan air rifle. Head shots, the old guy I played pool with for years wanted some wild turkey before he died, so I accomodated him.

Only turkey hunting I have ever done, no camos, just blue jeans and a flannel shirt.
I think Hagel is going to run, and is just waiting to see how the R base responds to the continuing war, to decide whether it's going to be on the R ticket, or as an independent. I think a high-profile Independent run would be really good for this country.
I think it would be another R. Perot just ensuring that the other side gets the seat.
I think it would be another R. Perot just ensuring that the other side gets the seat.

Maybe. But I think that Hagel would have a lot of Independent support. I think you might be right about Hagel ensuring a Dem victory. Whereas, I think that if Bloomberg stages an Independent run, he might flip the election to the repubs, because I don't see R's voting for Bloomberg. But the thing about a Hagel run is, if the D's nominate someone like Hillary, who is not strongly against the war, then he is going to throw some real debate into the election. And I think that's a good thing.
I think the front-heavy Primaries make it so only the candidates with the most money have a shot at all.
Maybe. But I think that Hagel would have a lot of Independent support. I think you might be right about Hagel ensuring a Dem victory. Whereas, I think that if Bloomberg stages an Independent run, he might flip the election to the repubs, because I don't see R's voting for Bloomberg. But the thing about a Hagel run is, if the D's nominate someone like Hillary, who is not strongly against the war, then he is going to throw some real debate into the election. And I think that's a good thing.
I would really love to support a candidate who simply spoke of the reason that the Declaration of War was put in the constitution. That it protects us strongly from such activity as this. If there was a vote to delcare war, we'd likely have gone to Afghanistan, but not to Iraq. Instead we have the namby-pamby way to get out of it by saying, "Well, I voted to 'authorize' the President to decide so that he could have a big stick to poke them with, I didn't really think he'd go to war!"

Unfortunately even Hagel isn't doing that.
I would really love to support a candidate who simply spoke of the reason that the Declaration of War was put in the constitution. That it protects us strongly from such activity as this. If there was a vote to delcare war, we'd likely have gone to Afghanistan, but not to Iraq. Instead we have the namby-pamby way to get out of it by saying, "Well, I voted to 'authorize' the President to decide so that he could have a big stick to poke them with, I didn't really think he'd go to war!"

Unfortunately even Hagel isn't doing that.

Well, that is one thing we can definitely agree on. I'd love to see it too.
I think the front-heavy Primaries make it so only the candidates with the most money have a shot at all.
I am hoping that the current front runners will shoot their wad of cash , fall by the wayside and some others will jump out in front of them.