Romney lost my vote, he ignores the 1st Amendment.


Well-known member
Clearly Romney is too dumb to read the plain meaning of the first amendment or he is willing to compromise it to get votes. I do not think the guy is dumb, so he is another Bush like weasel who is willing to trash the constitition for a few votes.

No way I could vote for him. Republicans are idiots if they nominate him.

"There can be no freedom without religen"

I consider myself free and suprise I am not religous!
Clearly Romney is too dumb to read the plain meaning of the first amendment or he is willing to compromise it to get votes. I do not think the guy is dumb, so he is another Bush like weasel who is willing to trash the constitition for a few votes.

No way I could vote for him. Republicans are idiots if they nominate him.

"There can be no freedom without religen"

I consider myself free and suprise I am not religous!

With all due respect you've stated you weren't voting for a Republican so how can Romney lose something he never had?
Because it really isn't an issue, it is rhetoric.

One can say any number of things. Unless he actually attempted to make a law to make you follow his religion or to make a national religion then he wasn't violating anything, just giving an opinion.