Romney Tells U.N. to Reject Ahmadinejad


Villified User
Romney Tells U.N. to Reject Ahmadinejad

Sep 17, 5:49 PM (ET)


BOSTON (AP) - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad should not be allowed to address the U.N. General Assembly next week, but instead should be greeted "with an indictment under the Genocide Convention," Republican presidential contender Mitt Romney said Monday.

"The Iranian regime under President Ahmadinejad has spoken openly about wiping Israel off the map, has fueled Hezbollah's terror campaign in the region and around the world and defied the world community in its pursuit of nuclear weapons - capabilities that make these threats even more ominous," Romney said in a letter to U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon posted on his campaign Web site, .

In New York, Romney told reporters: "I think the invitatiom should be withdrawn. I think instead, Ahmadinejad should be indicted under the Genocide Convention."
If "funding terror campaigns" and "defying the world community" precludes you from addressing the U.N., would there be anyone there?
Yeah, my thoughts as well Charver.
This rhetoric from Romney lowers him in my opinion.

Darn if Iran gets the bomb, how will we ever be able to exploit their oil reserves ?
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LOL What a craven play for the base.

Amatuer hour. A guy grabbing for your breasts before you've even kissed. I don't see a second date in the offing.
In New York, Romney told reporters: "I think the invitatiom should be withdrawn. I think instead, Ahmadinejad should be indicted under the Genocide Convention."

I guess appealing to the knuckle-draggers in his party's nomination process is more important than america's national interests. This kind of rhetoric can only backfire on america, if we keep it up. For reasons that are obvious to the well informed and well read person.
How could we indict him under the genocide convention?

I don't like his policies, but he's certainly not commiting a genocide. Anyway, in 2009 he's going to be voted out. He's very unpopular over there. As soon as the reformists can get their act back together (most of their candidates were banned from parliament in the last election, which is why the conservatives won such a "landslide", as they ran often unopposed, and the reformists are just starting to get a new candidate list up), then we'll have a pro-reformist elected government in Iran in 2009.

Unfortunately, we had a pro-reformist elected government in Iran for 8 years and they could do little. The unelected government is far more powerful than the elected one. But the way the elected government influences the unelected one, having an elected reformist government in for enough time should allow for the entire government to change over to an reformist one.