Romney's Crazy Aid


JPP Modarater
I thought this was actually kind of funny.

"Jay Garrity, who serves as director of operations and is constantly at the side of the former Massachusetts governor, is accused of leaving a lengthy message with the answering service of a plumbing company on Mother's Day, identifying himself as "Trooper Garrity" of the Massachusetts State Police and complaining about erratic driving by a company driver."

Even if he did do it, I think they are making a lot more fuss than is warranted. Who hasn't wanted to tattle on some crazy truck driver?
It's a big deal because a couple of Romney's boys "pulled over" a NY Times reporter, pretended to be law enforcement, pretended to "run his driver's license" and told him to turn around and go home.

It's illegal to impersonate an officer. So while this story you have here, might be harmless on its own, it's playing into the more serious incident which occurred last week, and is being investigaved in MA.
Oh, I didn't realize he pulled someone over. That's actually extremely bad. But this one I thought was kind of funny.
Oh, I didn't realize he pulled someone over. That's actually extremely bad. But this one I thought was kind of funny.

I don't know if it's the same guy who pulled the reporter over, it might not be. But because someone on Romney's staff did do that last week, I think that's why this is getting play in the news. On its own, it's harmless, kind of funny.