Ron DeSantis' Approval Rating Tanks as COVID Delta Variant Ravages Florida

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Ron DeSantis' approval rating tumbled to 43.7 percent in a new poll published on Wednesday, as the state grapples with a surge in cases of COVID driven by the highly transmissible Delta variant.

Respondents were asked whether they approved of the job DeSantis is doing and 48.3 percent said they didn't approve, while 43.7 percent said they did. This represents a significant decline since a Florida Chamber of Commerce poll in May showed the governor's approval at 55 percent.
The Great Desantis Plague of 2021 might take the edge of his presidential ambition.
That's what I was thinking too! This could be the end of DeSantis political ambitions if his plague turns into mass graves?!!

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That's what I was thinking that too! This could be the end of DeSantis political ambitions if his plague turns into mass graves?!!
The data to look at is the hospital admissions and available beds. It doesn't matter how many new cases there are with 50% of the state vaccinated.

When the hospitals are not capable of handling the new cases, and IF they start stacking bodies like cord wood again, DeSantis is in trouble.
the left hates freedom and resiliency and immune systems. it is ok. freedom is exclusive to Americans and humans- you can't handle it
desantis is not the moron who forced infectious patients into nursing homes and murdered tens of thousands unnecessarily. that is a leftist mo. go ask cuomo or whitmer for pointers
desantis is not the moron who forced infectious patients into nursing homes and murdered tens of thousands unnecessarily. that is a leftist mo. go ask cuomo or whitmer for pointers

You would really do well to get your meth addiction under control it's making you delusional. Cuomo and DeSantis are governors of different states they're not the same you can confirm this by looking at a map. The other thing I'll point out is DeSantis is killing people and that's a really really poor business plan for a politician. I'm surprised you can't figure that out but then I really shouldn't be surprised because of your meth addiction.
Ron DeSantis' approval rating tumbled to 43.7 percent in a new poll published on Wednesday, as the state grapples with a surge in cases of COVID driven by the highly transmissible Delta variant.

Respondents were asked whether they approved of the job DeSantis is doing and 48.3 percent said they didn't approve, while 43.7 percent said they did. This represents a significant decline since a Florida Chamber of Commerce poll in May showed the governor's approval at 55 percent.

Guno still loves his random numbers...

DeSantis is LOVED in Florida... In fact, DeSantis is loved across the States of America atm... I wish Wisconsin had a governor like him instead of our installed communist POS.