APP - Ron Paul explains world currency


Loyal to the end
[ame=""]YouTube - The End of Dollar Hegemony Part 1 / 3[/ame]
Go usury! Go the profession of economics! Thanks for betraying us all and putting the entire nation into debt slavery!
I've heard some of this recently...if I could only remember where...

Oh yea...

Egads, once a month or less Paul has something sensible to say, the rest of the time those weird Utopian drugs control his speech and thought. I listened for a bit but then reality hit me on the head and I woke.

"The most fundamental problem with libertarianism is very simple: freedom, though a good thing, is simply not the only good thing in life. Simple physical security, which even a prisoner can possess, is not freedom, but one cannot live without it. Prosperity is connected to freedom, in that it makes us free to consume, but it is not the same thing, in that one can be rich but as unfree as a Victorian tycoon's wife. A family is in fact one of the least free things imaginable, as the emotional satisfactions of it derive from relations that we are either born into without choice or, once they are chosen, entail obligations that we cannot walk away from with ease or justice. But security, prosperity, and family are in fact the bulk of happiness for most real people and the principal issues that concern governments." Robert Locke The American Conservative -- Marxism of the Right
I have hear much out of him that isn't bat shit crazy.
He's good on probation and reeling in the fed & spending. Looney tunes on the rest.
Egads, once a month or less Paul has something sensible to say, the rest of the time those weird Utopian drugs control his speech and thought. I listened for a bit but then reality hit me on the head and I woke.
Do you have any issue of substance to disagree with?
I have hear much out of him that isn't bat shit crazy.
He's good on probation and reeling in the fed & spending. Looney tunes on the rest.

He wants to stop taking your money to fund a legal system that wants to put you in jail for smoking pot.

How looney is that?:)
OMG Asshate called me a fascist!! I'm gonna have to run off an plot to restrict American liberties even further than they currently are!!!

I just wasted an hour of my life. :-(

Your link is a guy trying to sell financial advice. A load of crap.

Buy gold. Buy gold. Yes, we know. We've heard it all before.

The guy is a doom-sayer. He talks about a food and water and other vital commodities shortage.

THINK! If you're in a desert with 10 people and one has water is he going to sell it to the guy who offers gold? Or silver? Or US$? Or is he going to keep the water for himself?

If times become as desperate as he claims it's the guy with the gun who is going to eat and drink. Not the dude with the gold investment, I can assure you.

Just another scam to get people to invest in his quasi-financial/doom-saying nonsense.

They'll be a crisis, all right. Just like the crisis that hit the people who invested in Exxon. Just like the crisis that hit the people who invested in Lehman Brothers. Just like the millions of citizens who have seen their investments shrink.

Rather then people investing in their government, paying their taxes and keeping their governments afloat to provide services, they trust people who straight-faced say, "Give me your money and I'll show you how to make money."

Yea, that will work...NOT!

Higher prices? Inflation? Devaluation? Maybe. Crisis, to the extent he implies? No!

Is Exxon here to help the folks? Lehman Brothers? Your broker? Will he help supply water or try to get food to you? Don't count on it. He'll have your money and be long gone.

After I spent the better part of an hour listening to that scum bag indulge me for a minute.

Want to talk about crisis and conspiracy theories? Why do you think the Repubs want to get government out of people's lives? Privatize pensions? Private medical? Whittle down the responsibility of government? Pare down government assistance programs? Why?

Because as more and more responsibilities are passed to the individual knowing the vast majority of them do not know anything about financial dealings, considering the government and others who should have known about the financial crisis did not know, the government is making itself removed from any possible crisis. What obligation would/should the government shoulder if the government is not involved in various aspects of citizen's lives?

As the government divests itself of programs (pensions, medical, financial assistance, etc) it will have no obligation to assist in a crisis. That means it will not have the moral or legal authority to insist everyone help. In a sense it will be like things were before The New Deal and other government programs since then.

If one believes a crisis is coming this is the worst time to abandon government. Those "few" people with power would like nothing more than to see individuals insist governments divest themselves of responsibility and watch those same individuals walk themselves into poverty. Then the reply will be, "It's not the government's responsibility."

The government has the power, the physical force, to ensure all citizens get minimum assistance and will do so IF they are tasked with the job which means those who have plenty will be compelled to share.

It's nice to think we are, as individuals, smarter than everyone else and we'll make a lot of money and be better off than everyone else but the reality is quite different and history had shown that.

Yes, a big change is coming. It's foolhardy for those to believe "I'll make it but hundreds and thousands won't." The odds are those "I'll make it" folks will be part of the hundreds and thousands who don't make it just like those who have lost their life savings in poor investments.

Don't get scammed and if you think a crisis is inevitable then think about who is going to help you. Who has the ability? The power? The will? The government or your financial adviser?
I just wasted an hour of my life. :-(

Your link is a guy trying to sell financial advice. A load of crap.

Buy gold. Buy gold. Yes, we know. We've heard it all before.

The guy is a doom-sayer. He talks about a food and water and other vital commodities shortage.

THINK! If you're in a desert with 10 people and one has water is he going to sell it to the guy who offers gold? Or silver? Or US$? Or is he going to keep the water for himself?

If times become as desperate as he claims it's the guy with the gun who is going to eat and drink. Not the dude with the gold investment, I can assure you.

Just another scam to get people to invest in his quasi-financial/doom-saying nonsense.

They'll be a crisis, all right. Just like the crisis that hit the people who invested in Exxon. Just like the crisis that hit the people who invested in Lehman Brothers. Just like the millions of citizens who have seen their investments shrink.

Rather then people investing in their government, paying their taxes and keeping their governments afloat to provide services, they trust people who straight-faced say, "Give me your money and I'll show you how to make money."

Yea, that will work...NOT!

Higher prices? Inflation? Devaluation? Maybe. Crisis, to the extent he implies? No!

Is Exxon here to help the folks? Lehman Brothers? Your broker? Will he help supply water or try to get food to you? Don't count on it. He'll have your money and be long gone.

After I spent the better part of an hour listening to that scum bag indulge me for a minute.

Want to talk about crisis and conspiracy theories? Why do you think the Repubs want to get government out of people's lives? Privatize pensions? Private medical? Whittle down the responsibility of government? Pare down government assistance programs? Why?

Because as more and more responsibilities are passed to the individual knowing the vast majority of them do not know anything about financial dealings, considering the government and others who should have known about the financial crisis did not know, the government is making itself removed from any possible crisis. What obligation would/should the government shoulder if the government is not involved in various aspects of citizen's lives?

As the government divests itself of programs (pensions, medical, financial assistance, etc) it will have no obligation to assist in a crisis. That means it will not have the moral or legal authority to insist everyone help. In a sense it will be like things were before The New Deal and other government programs since then.

If one believes a crisis is coming this is the worst time to abandon government. Those "few" people with power would like nothing more than to see individuals insist governments divest themselves of responsibility and watch those same individuals walk themselves into poverty. Then the reply will be, "It's not the government's responsibility."

The government has the power, the physical force, to ensure all citizens get minimum assistance and will do so IF they are tasked with the job which means those who have plenty will be compelled to share.

It's nice to think we are, as individuals, smarter than everyone else and we'll make a lot of money and be better off than everyone else but the reality is quite different and history had shown that.

Yes, a big change is coming. It's foolhardy for those to believe "I'll make it but hundreds and thousands won't." The odds are those "I'll make it" folks will be part of the hundreds and thousands who don't make it just like those who have lost their life savings in poor investments.

Don't get scammed and if you think a crisis is inevitable then think about who is going to help you. Who has the ability? The power? The will? The government or your financial adviser?

Have you been noticing that the banking industry controls our government?