Ron Paul -- Going BACKWARDS in the REAL polls


The Force is With Me
Since there's a new Ron Paul thread everyday and the Ronbots seem to believe that he who wins the thread wars becomes the President, I'm sure they're real happy about my contribution to his campaign.

Given that in the libertarian/Ron Paul bizarro world where up is down, racism equals "freedom", inhumanity equals "liberty", and most importantly, going backwards means progress, it should be cause for celebration by his supporters that he is going backwards in real scientific polls.

This is a sure indication of his progress.

In the latest polls ...

Cook Political Report/RT Strategies Poll
Ron Paul -- 0% -- Down from 2% in their last poll (His all-time high)

Zogby America Poll
Ron Paul -- 1% -- Down from 3% in their last poll (His all-time high)

USA Today/Gallup Poll
Ron Paul -- 1% -- Down from 3% in their last poll (His all-time high)

ABC News/Washington Post Poll
Ron Paul -- 1% -- Down from 2% in their last poll (His all-time high)

Then there are polls that show he's stuck in mud at the same place

NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll
Ron Paul -- 1%

Newsweek Poll
Ron Paul -- 2%

American Research Group poll.
Ron Paul -- 1%

Diageo/Hotline Poll
Ron Paul 2%

CNN/Opinion Research Corporation Poll
Ron Paul -- 1%

And there are polls that show he's increased his number (singular) by a whooping 1 or 2%

FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll
Ron Paul -- ROCKETS to 3% .. up from 2%

Quinnipiac University Poll
Ron Paul -- STEAMROLLS to 2% .. up fom 1%

Pew Research Center for the People & the Press survey
Ron Paul -- BLASTS away to 2% .. up from ZERO%

That equals an average of 1.4% out of 12 major polls.


An absolutely amazing display of political prowess.

Never let it be said that I didn't do my part for Ron Paul.

Tell me, how good is Kucinich doing? Going to sweep up that lot, eh?

I have no illusions .. make that .. DELUSIONS about Kucinich.

You don't see a new Kucinich thread here everyday, nor have I posted a single one. Neither Kucinich or his supporters are trying to spam him into the White House .. nor are we making any bullshit claims about pseudo non-existent support.

I live in the really real world of politics and I understand his limitations and why he has them.

Let me help you out .. Kuchinch will not win the democratic nomination and won't even come close. I have absolutely no problem with any critcism you may have of Kucinich.

Although I must add that after the election, Kucinich will still be a player in American politics .. Paul will climb back under that rock of obscurity where he came from.

You're a libertarian, dude.

Not sure you even know what day this is.

Maybe you made an intelligent response somewhere in that post, but if so I missed it.

What about Paul infuriates you so much?

His demands for government accountablity?

His principled anti-war stance?
Maybe you made an intelligent response somewhere in that post, but if so I missed it.

What about Paul infuriates you so much?

His demands for government accountablity?

His principled anti-war stance?

That makes sense because I missed the intelligence in your post as well.

Paul is a racist, a kook, and most his politics border on the insane.

He's antiwar, but I wouldn't call his stance "principled."
That makes sense because I missed the intelligence in your post as well.

Paul is a racist, a kook, and most his politics border on the insane.

He's antiwar, but I wouldn't call his stance "principled."

Not a rhetorical or flame question, why do you see Paul's anti-war stance as not principled?
black I agree with you that the fervor is ridiculous.

Though who cares if he went from 2% to 1%? Non-issue.
Ron Paul -- Going BACKWARDS in the REAL polls

BAC, you really love to toss chum in the water, to send the libertarian sharks into a frenzy, don't you. ;)
It's why RS makes an R. Paul thread every day. He likes to do the same...


I just like saying stuff like, "Woot! President Ron Paul!"