Ron Paul sees crises ahead


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Yay, President Ron Paul says, "We're Fucked!"

Presidential hopeful Ron Paul sees crises ahead for country
By David Postman

Seattle Times chief political reporter


Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul of Texas greets supporters at a fundraising luncheon Friday. He also gave a constitutional lecture at Seattle University.

Texas Congressman Ron Paul said in Seattle on Friday that America is approaching an economic and constitutional crisis due to growing debt, bad trade deals and assaults on personal liberty.

And even if he beat all the odds and won the presidency next year, he said, the problem would be beyond what he alone could fix.

"The time is coming. I believe that the great debate is coming," Paul told more than 400 mostly young people who attended his constitutional lecture at Seattle University.

"We have become soft on the issue of liberty and we have become more concerned about our personal safety and our personal economic well-being and an illusionary trust that government can make us perfectly safe and protect us perfectly in an economic way," he said.
Umm I have been saying the same on those issues as Ron Paul for several years now. And seems like String gave me large amounts of grief over it in the past....