APP - Rose, why, may I ask did you thread ban me from your thread? I had some stuff to say.


New member
I'll do a reader's. Digest version.because.I can't remember word for word.

Basically....I want a Nationwide Private sector.strike and.I would like to see all my.public sector.peers.boycott buying while the strike is.happening.
Rose pushed the thread in a debate format, and apparently chose only me and BaC for it. Me and BaC are the only other ones on the site that really embrace a Left, rather than a Center-Left/Liberal, self-identification, so I suppose that was the reason.
I'll do a reader's. Digest version.because.I can't remember word for word.

Basically....I want a Nationwide Private sector.strike and.I would like to see all my.public sector.peers.boycott buying while the strike is.happening.

Watermark was right, but if you'd like to join in, you're perfectly welcome. After I post this reply, I'll PM Grind and ask him to add you.

Nevermind, I did it myself. Please feel free to add to the discussion. :thup:
hy, may I ask did you thread ban me from your thread? I had some stuff to say.

Oh crap....I apologize....I mean, I will come in and contribute, but I didn't realize that it was a closed type thread. You see, I use tapatalk, and the view that I use shows.all the latest posts and threads regardless of what forum they are I saw the title of your and thought it would be interesting...I typed a long winded post hit the submit button and it went away. Now I understand one again....apologies.
I'll do a reader's. Digest version.because.I can't remember word for word.

Basically....I want a Nationwide Private sector.strike and.I would like to see all my.public sector.peers.boycott buying while the strike is.happening.

why all the periods?
What value is thread in which everyone but the participants in the circle jerk are banned from it? If some would like to chat with their co-conspirators, have at it, but do it in private. Lots of ways to communicate. The thread 'Capitalism and the Leftist View' needs to be moved to some other place or removed. Thanks.
What value is thread in which everyone but the participants in the circle jerk are banned from it? If some would like to chat with their co-conspirators, have at it, but do it in private. Lots of ways to communicate. The thread 'Capitalism and the Leftist View' needs to be moved to some other place or removed. Thanks.

Co-conspirators? Oh, dear. Please kindly take your head out of the sand.

I made that thread because there are members of this site I wanted to debate with, bile-free. If you'd like it to be deleted, big deal - the feature is there and I intend to use it.