Rothschild: Donald Trump is Threatening to Destroy the New World Order


Let's go Brandon!
Nice to see that they admit it.

The Rothschilds have used their globalist media mouthpiece to declare that Donald Trump is threatening to destroy the New World Order, for good.

Globalism propaganda tool and Rothschild family-owned publication, The Economist, has branded the US President a “present danger” to the “New World Order,” and stated that the “internationalists” that formed it are “spinning in their graves.”

The Economist names Trump is the biggest threat to the “liberal” New World Order above other legitimate threats such as jihadism and terrorism, Communist Chinese expansion, and North Korean hostility.”Perhaps the greatest danger at present is the incumbency of an American president who despises international norms, who disparages free trade and who continually flirts with abandoning America’s essential role in maintaining the global legal order,” writes The Economist.
It's Russia, Poland, Hungary, Italy etc.
Which are much more damning for the Globalist New World Order, than say Bozo Trump.

Not to say that anti-Globalists are necessarily "Good people"

Of course, it's likely Hitler was an anti-Globalist, and certainly the Nazis weren't "Good people"

I wouldn't say Putin's Russia are "Good people" either.

But, the Globalists hate Putin & Hitler for being against the Globalist New World Order.

Much like they hate Poles, Hungarians, Italians etc, for similar reasons.

Yes, the Globalists also hate Muslims, like Iranians, and Assad, or Saddam, or Gadafi for the same reason.

The Muslims are also very-anti-Globalist.
Rothschild's are probably lying.

Of course, they the Globalists enjoy Trump's tax breaks & corporate bailouts such as the Rothschild's, Soros, Zuckerberg, Larry Page, MSNBC, CNN, Hollywood, etc. etc.

but trump is resisting china ascendancy, lockdown, technocracy, and vaccine genocide. these are integral.

and he's busting up the human trafficking, pedo, adrenochrome, blackmail rings.
but trump is resisting china ascendancy, lockdown, technocracy, and vaccine genocide. these are integral.

and he's busting up the human trafficking, pedo, adrenochrome, blackmail rings.

If Trump was truly against China, he would put economic sanctions on them & throw the outsources in jail.

You don't combat the Globalists, with a Capitalist (Rolls eyes)

Besides, China's buying up Trump's debt, and Trump's ties to China.

The lock downs, and vaccines are pretty common sense.

But, Trump's very good for the Globalists by cutting their taxes.

He also gave Israel unprecedented funding.

The bailouts for big business, rather than small businesses, is just another Trumpian Corporate Globalist bailout.
If Trump was truly against China, he would put economic sanctions on them & throw the outsources in jail.

You don't combat the Globalists, with a Capitalist (Rolls eyes)

Besides, China's buying up Trump's debt, and Trump's ties to China.

The lock downs, and vaccines are pretty common sense.

But, Trump's very good for the Globalists by cutting their taxes.

He also gave Israel unprecedented funding.

The bailouts for big business, rather than small businesses, is just another Trumpian Corporate Globalist bailout.

dont have to get rid of trade to leave bad actors out of the guild.

if they balk at tariffs, they can just be left out all together.

and the lockdown, and death vaccines are just bad things you idiotically think are good.
dont have to get rid of trade to leave bad actors out of the guild.

if they balk at tariffs, they can just be left out all together.

and the lockdown, and death vaccines are just bad things you idiotically think are good.

The Tariffs hardly do anything.

We solved Polio, Measles & Typhus, and a bunch other diseases with Vaccines.

The Lock downs are preventing the spread of a lot more Covid-19.

I thought the Globalists wanted us to die of disease, to help their cause?
(Rolls eyes)
Another brilliant reason to re-elect him. :thumbsup:

Why would the Rothschild's even mention it, if they think Trump is really targeting their New World Order?

Wouldn't they instead say nothing?

Seems like the Globalists want Trump in, of course he's quite good for the Globalists too.

He cuts the taxes of Globalists, and divides Americans to near chaos & a potential Civil War.
One way to make an educated guess about the future is to keep a close eye on the Bankers as they have more power than any other group in the world. As David Rothkopf said in Superclass, the world is run by 30 Families and their Minions. Rothkopf used to be the Managing Director of Kissinger Associates back in the 1990s.

When Soros predicted victory over Trump in 2020, he might have revealed how they plan to win the elections next year. Only on the surface do things look good for the Democrats. The fundamental axiom of politics in any nation is this: “You can’t beat somebody with nobody.” Democrats don’t have a good candidate. There is a reason for that.

I have written about Dr Mark Skidmore who found from government sources that $21 trillion had gone missing from HUD and DOD from 1998 to 2015. The politicians know about the theft of trillions by the Ruling Class and DO Not Care. Pond Scum like that are not going to attract voters with any degree of enthusiasm....

So back to George Soros. His prediction that Democrats will win must be based on his certainty that the economy and the stock market will crash Big Time before the November elections in 2020.

The Tariffs hardly do anything.

We solved Polio, Measles & Typhus, and a bunch other diseases with Vaccines.

The Lock downs are preventing the spread of a lot more Covid-19.

I thought the Globalists wanted us to die of disease, to help their cause?
(Rolls eyes)

so you admit they do something. thanks for your honesty.

virology, immunology is a real science, but the academy has been corrupted by genocidal idiotmemes.
Quite the interesting debate...... & based on what?? Did anyone even goggle the title?? Hit the link?? Anyone heard of them??

Bunch of bloggers & wackO scare mongers.....

I'll bother to read when there is a real source for the alleged comment........
The Old World Order is crumbling due to the very poor work of the elites, The Rebellion lead by Trump in America is a symptom not a cause.,,,the masses are rising in revolt.

Trump is a Globalist, LOL.
He has hired Illegal Immigrants, used Chinese steel, and did business deals with China.