Rove and Reynolds Strong-Armed/Bribed Foley to Run Again, Even As He Preferred Not To


Senior Member
Looks like there is something to the story, perhaps this should be investigated further so that the "whole truth" comes out. I mean we should have more truth about his sorted mess. The story can be found at The New Republic's Web Site. I don't have time for the linking. Google is your friend.

In a release issued today, the Democratic National Committee touts the report as evidence of "Republican efforts to cover-up this scandal."

The release, in its entirety, follows:

As Republican candidates run in droves from Republican Congressman Tom Reynolds and the rest of the House Republican leaders who covered up the Mark Foley scandal, White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove raised eyebrows by agreeing to step in for Republican Senator John McCain at two Buffalo fundraisers next Friday. It turns out this isn’t the first time Rove and Reynolds have worked together on the Mark Foley matter.

A new report in the New Republic Online reveals that, as Foley was considering not seeking reelection this year, Karl Rove intervened and strong-armed Foley into running again. According to the report, “Foley said he was being pressured by ‘the White House and Rove gang,’ who insisted that Foley run. If he didn't, Foley was told, it might impact his lobbying career.” Foley reportedly told associates that, “the White House made it very clear I have to run," and promised that serving for two more years would "enhance his success" as a lobbyist. [New Republic Online, 10/12/06]

The fact that Karl Rove, President Bush’s chief political advisor, and Tom Reynolds teamed up to convince Mark Foley to run for Congress—even though Reynolds knew about Foley’s inappropriate emails with teenaged boys—raises serious new questions about Republican efforts to cover up this scandal. Did Reynolds alert Rove to Foley’s emails before asking Rove to put on the pressure? Did Rove join in the House Republican leadership’s cover up of the scandal? Was anyone else at the White House aware of Foley’s inappropriate contact with minors? Now that the entire country knows Tom Reynolds and the House Republican leadership failed these children, why is Rove going to Buffalo to bail him out?

“Instead of trying to save Tom Reynolds’ political career, Karl Rove should explain whether he or anyone else at the White House knew about the scandal when he pressured Mark Foley into running again,” said Democratic National Committee Spokesman Damien LaVera.

“What Republicans like Tom Reynolds and Karl Rove don't seem to understand is that this is about children, not politics. People are looking at this as concerned parents, not as Republicans or Democrats. They don’t want more finger pointing, they want real leaders who will take responsibility for their actions and stop putting politics ahead of the safety of our children. Democrats are offering a new direction for America that includes a return to honesty, accountability and ethics in Washington.”
Well this makes perfect Pinhead sense... Republican leadership pleaded and begged a known pedophile into seeking another term! Fully aware that Foley's inappropriate behavior would be exploited by the Democrats and the media, Karl Rove and Tom Reynolds forced Foley to run anyway!

Does anyone honestly think Republicans are that utterly stupid? I mean, what the fuck would be the point in having a guy run, who you KNOW is a pedophile? This is about the most ridiculous conspiracy theory pinheads could come up with, right up there with Bush orchestrating 9/11! It's not very well thought out, and when even the most irrational moron out there takes an honest and objective look at this, they know damn well this theory doesn't hold water.

Republicans might have known Foley was gay, they might have been concerned with how it would appear for him to be contacting former pages, but they didn't know, nor did anyone, that he was engaging in the kind of behavior the instant messages now reveal. Let me repeat that... NO ONE KNEW! You can sit there and keep lying to people about it all you like, that is the fact of the matter, and you haven't proven otherwise, nor can you prove otherwise.

My OH my, just heard this on the 24/7 main stream NEWS....

It is what happened....the WHITEHOUSE ala Carl Rove and OTHERS IN CONGRESS, begged Foley NOT to quit to become a LOBBYIST and to RUN for office AGAIN in Florida in 2006 because he would be a sure seat for the republicans and that if he DID SUCH, then the Whitehouse ala Carl Rove would make SURE his NEW LOBBYING job to be would be MUCH MORE Lucrative....while KNOWING his "boy" problem...

The Leaders of the Republican Party and THIS Whitehouse ala Rove have sold their souls to Satan....and LONG AGO at that....imo. :(
Just imagine what will come out after the republicans fall from power. And the little people in govt don't have to fear for their jobs or worse.

imho, congresspersons should be prohibited from becoming a lobbyist for at least 5 years after leaving office.
Here's the new Republic Piece which can be found at the New Republic Website or through the link at



It seems increasingly clear that the GOP congressional leadership, eager for every safe incumbent in the House to run for re-election, looked the other way as evidence accumulated that Mark Foley had a thing for pages. Holding onto his seat became more important than confronting him over his extracurricular activities.

But there's more to the story of why Foley stood for re-election this year. Yesterday, a source close to Foley explained to THE NEW REPUBLIC that in early 2006 the congressman had all but decided to retire from the House and set up shop on K Street. "Mark's a friend of mine," says this source. "He told me, 'I'm thinking about getting out of it and becoming a lobbyist.'"

But when Foley's friend saw the Congressman again this spring, something had changed. To the source's surprise, Foley told him he would indeed be standing for re-election. What happened? Karl Rove intervened.

According to the source, Foley said he was being pressured by "the White House and Rove gang," who insisted that Foley run. If he didn't, Foley was told, it might impact his lobbying career.

"He said, 'The White House made it very clear I have to run,'" explains Foley's friend, adding that Foley told him that the White House promised that if Foley served for two more years it would "enhance his success" as a lobbyist. "I said, 'I thought you wanted out of this?' And he said, 'I do, but they're scared of losing the House and the thought of two years of Congressional hearings, so I have two more years of duty.'"

The White House declined a request for comment on the matter, but obviously the plan hasn't worked out quite as Rove hoped it would.

Full Ugly Story: Read & Celebrate
For those still in doubt on this matter, and you know who you are, this sentence fragment "The White House declined a request for comment on the matter" can generally be taken as an admittance by the powers that be that they the story is true. Bit for those true believeers who know that this is just bullshit because the Bush administration would never engage in anything like this under any circumstances, just keep telling yourself that.