Rove--The Misguided Architect


Senior Member
I can’t wait to read this little gem on Karl Rove, The Architect: Karl Rove and the Master Plan for Absolute Power. Looks from this review like the book might be worth the price. Besides revealing that Rove had a gay father who left his mother who two years later committed suicide, the book seems to show a rather rattled and paranoid individual. Rove is certainly a piece of work. He has slithered out of more tight spots than a fattened python should. Know your enemies…

Excerpt from review:

Soon after Rove moved into his new office in the West Wing, previously occupied by Hillary Clinton, he invited three top Catholic priests to conduct a ceremony to purge the room of evil spirits. "It was an actual liturgical ceremony," says participant Deal Hudson. "We sat at the table, we prayed. A priest said a series of prayers, including a blessing."

Rove was so paranoid about his meetings with indicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff that he'd stroll a few blocks to meet Abramoff's limo on a nearby street corner where they would discuss business through a lowered window. "Like I said, everything that comes out of the White House is logged in," explained Abramoff. "The phone calls he makes. The phone calls he receives. So this is just easier. It keeps things a lot cleaner. And he's a fat fuck, and he can use the exercise."

Texas's then-governor George W. Bush once asked a reporter, "You know what I'm gonna tell those Jews when I get to Israel, don't you Herman?" When the journalist, Ken Herman, replied that he did not know, Bush reportedly quipped: "I'm telling 'em they're all going to hell."

Bush shocked Israel's Ariel Sharon at their first Oval Office meeting when, discussing Yasser Arafat, he asked, "Are you going to kill him?" Later he added, "No. If he needs killing, I'll do it."

Rove's longtime mentor is Michael Ledeen, an Iran-Contra dealmaker and plagiarist suspected of being linked to the forged documents the administration used to make the case for war in Iraq.
I like the guy/gal. He/She is a bit judgemental sometimes but strong in their opinion and well-spoken... I'm glad they came over.
I like the guy/gal. He/She is a bit judgemental sometimes but strong in their opinion and well-spoken... I'm glad they came over.

Thanks, but I gotta run now. I was trying for 60 posts by days end, I think I can make that. So long...for now!