Rove to resign


Worst gambler ever
Breaking news on CNN.

There's nothing but a headline on the site right now, but either something big is going to happen or it already has and hasn't been reported yet I think. A guy this blindly ambitious doesn't resign to spend more time with his dog.

It'll be interesting to watch this unfold.
Karl Rove, U.S. President George W. Bush's senior political adviser, is to resign at the end of August, according to a newspaper interview published Monday.

Rove, who has held a top position in the White House since Bush took office in 2001, told the Wall Street Journal he would stand down on August 31.

"I just think it's time," Rove said, according to the paper. "There's always something that can keep you here, and as much as I'd like to be here, I've got to do this for the sake of my family."
You really think any candidate is going to touch this guy? Don't forget, he still has Congressional supoenas hanging over his head.

Not openly but he will be involved.
how could they resist, he got a moron like Bush elected ;)
And to most politicians it is about appearances not reality.
Again not officially, but they will not be able to resist unoficially getting advise from him.
Currently? No way, the fear that he would associate to the campaign would be too high. If Freddie-boy used him and was caught there'd be no escape from the loss.
you actually think Bush will not consult with Rover ?

He still consults with Ted on spiritual matters doesn't he ?
It wont be full time though.

Someone is going to be filling the spot Rove had in his daily life...who will it be.... how will they puppet him?

Its going to be funny.

Rove has got someone else in mind ...I wonder who it is?