Royal Does Something


Atheist Missionary
Prince Harry's regiment will be deployed to Iraq, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) and Clarence House have confirmed in a joint statement.
His Blues and Royals regiment will serve in Iraq for six months as part of the latest deployments.

The prince will be the first senior royal to serve on the front line since Prince Andrew in the Falklands in 1982.

While in Iraq, the prince will carry out "a normal troop commander's role", the statement said.
I read about this earlier. Not that this has any political implications, but for some reason that's hot. He's now surpassed his brother in hotness. BTW - anyone else noticed that all of a sudden william became "the ugly one"?
A "troop commanders role" hmm will that keep him in the bunkers ? I'll bet the Military brass are sweating bullets hoping nothing happens to him on their watch.
I have no respect for any of the royals (the rumours are that Harry isn't Charlie's anyway) but I have respect for the lad for insisting that if he is gonna be trained as a soldier, they should let him soldier.

I doubt you'll see Harry doing anything too dangerous, its unlikely that you'll see him strapped to the side of an Apache to rescue a comrade, but I hope he sees action.

What's the point in a soldier who doesn't soldier....?
What's the point in a soldier who doesn't soldier....?
Politics, just like GWB's military "career". He was being groomed for a career in the family business.
I have developed some respect for Harry and whats the other son's name?

They seem to have grown up well in a difficult situation. I think royality is useless but they seem to be good people. The Britts should just make them private citizens!
The Britts should just make them private citizens!

That's the dream.... But at least these two make a contribution.....