RR’s Eleventh Commandment


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While popularized by Reagan, "The Eleventh Commandment" was created by California Republican Party Chairman Gaylord Parkinson. In his 1990 autobiography An American Life, Reagan attributed the rule to Parkinson, explained its origin, and claimed to have followed it:

The personal attacks against me during the primary finally became so heavy that the state Republican chairman, Gaylord Parkinson, postulated what he called the Eleventh Commandment: Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican. It's a rule I followed during that campaign and have ever since.


Democrats also have an Eleventh Commandment. Thou shalt not speak well of Donald Trump.

I am not a Republican or a Democrat. I consider myself an archconservative; so I get a great deal of pleasure speaking ill of politicians in both parties. Hillary Clinton gave me countless hours of joy of since my first message board in 2000. No Democrat will miss her more than I after she leaves the stage:





NOTE: I also enjoy putting the knock on political parties as well as nailing individual politicians. Hell, pissing on the Democrat Party is compulsory medication. My prescribed dosage calls for: TAKE AS OFTEN AS NEEDED. I need relief every hour of every day.

Having said the above, I must say that Republicans should obey RR’s commandment since Democrats never shut up about Trump. Republicans whacking Trump like a piñata strikes a blow for Diarrhea Mouth Pelosi. Indeed, if Pelosi’s mouth is moving she is talking about Trump. Frankly, I do not know why Republicans waste time on Trump when the Democrat Party is target rich.
Frankly, I do not know why Republicans waste time on Trump when the Democrat Party is target rich.

Frankly, I do know why Republicans like Lindsey Graham are attacking President Trump for pulling out of a local war that is none of our business.

Ahead of the interview with Graham on Monday, he doubled down on this criticism, saying: "The president must realize he made a huge mistake."

But Trump hit back and suggested that the release of ISIS prisoners was a plot to get the U.S. involved.

Trump tweeted: "Brian Kilmeade...got it all wrong. We are not going into another war between people who have been fighting with each other for 200 years.

Lindsey Graham Says Turkey's Erdogan 'Misjudged Trump' over Syria, Has 'Made the Biggest Mistake of His Political Life'
By Brendan Cole On 10/14/19 at 11:05 AM EDT


All of the touchy-feely doublespeak about this country’s moral obligation to defend Communist Kurds is a NATO sideshow. The U.N. is the ringmaster in that Middle East circus. Graham and his kind on both sides of the aisle are speaking for the United Nations. RINO and Democrats are scared stiff the Terrible Turk might walk out of the U.N. if he stands up to the global government crowd calling the shots just as they did in the failed League of Nations almost a century ago. Their biggest fear is that Erdogan walking out might start every Muslim asking “What am I doing in the United Nations?”

Parenthetically, the Chicago sewer rat entered into a partnership with Congress and the Courts. Now individual members in the Senate, in the House, and in the federal courts are trying to implement Obama’s partnership agreement as though they are President Trump’s partners with equal authority in foreign policy.

Finally, move the cursor to 4:40 for a taste of reality:

We need to be out of [Syria], Retired colonel says

Retired Army Col. Douglas Macgregor says he wouldn't have urged sanctions at this point, but that President Trump is right in withdrawing our troops from Syria.

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Frankly, I do know why Republicans like Lindsey Graham are attacking President Trump for pulling out of a local war that is none of our business.

Ahead of the interview with Graham on Monday, he doubled down on this criticism, saying: "The president must realize he made a huge mistake."

But Trump hit back and suggested that the release of ISIS prisoners was a plot to get the U.S. involved.

Trump tweeted: "Brian Kilmeade...got it all wrong. We are not going into another war between people who have been fighting with each other for 200 years.

Lindsey Graham Says Turkey's Erdogan 'Misjudged Trump' over Syria, Has 'Made the Biggest Mistake of His Political Life'
By Brendan Cole On 10/14/19 at 11:05 AM EDT


All of the touchy-feely doublespeak about this country’s moral obligation to defend Communist Kurds is a NATO sideshow. The U.N. is the ringmaster in that Middle East circus. Graham and his kind on both sides of the aisle are speaking for the United Nations. RINO and Democrats are scared stiff the Terrible Turk might walk out of the U.N. if he stands up to the global government crowd calling the shots just as they did in the failed League of Nations almost a century ago. Their biggest fear is that Erdogan walking out might start every Muslim asking “What am I doing in the United Nations?”

Parenthetically, the Chicago sewer rat entered into a partnership with Congress and the Courts. Now individual members in the Senate, in the House, and in the federal courts are trying to implementing Obama’s partnership agreement as though they are President Trump’s partners with equal authority in foreign policy.

Finally, move the cursor to 4:40 for a taste of reality:

We need to be out of [Syria], Retired colonel says

Retired Army Col. Douglas Macgregor says he wouldn't have urged sanctions at this point, but that President Trump is right in withdrawing our troops from Syria.


Can you spell allies?
Obviously "arch conservatives",double cross allies!
Can you spell allies?
Obviously "arch conservatives",double cross allies!

The guy is a cork, he posts repeating garbage copied and pasted off of whacked out right wing conspiracy websites including "RT," a recognized Russian propaganda site

While popularized by Reagan, "The Eleventh Commandment" was created by California Republican Party Chairman Gaylord Parkinson. In his 1990 autobiography An American Life, Reagan attributed the rule to Parkinson, explained its origin, and claimed to have followed it:

The personal attacks against me during the primary finally became so heavy that the state Republican chairman, Gaylord Parkinson, postulated what he called the Eleventh Commandment: Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican. It's a rule I followed during that campaign and have ever since.


Democrats also have an Eleventh Commandment. Thou shalt not speak well of Donald Trump.

I am not a Republican or a Democrat. I consider myself an archconservative; so I get a great deal of pleasure speaking ill of politicians in both parties. Hillary Clinton gave me countless hours of joy of since my first message board in 2000. No Democrat will miss her more than I after she leaves the stage:

NOTE: I also enjoy putting the knock on political parties as well as nailing individual politicians. Hell, pissing on the Democrat Party is compulsory medication. My prescribed dosage calls for: TAKE AS OFTEN AS NEEDED. I need relief every hour of every day.

Having said the above, I must say that Republicans should obey RR’s commandment since Democrats never shut up about Trump. Republicans whacking Trump like a piñata strikes a blow for Diarrhea Mouth Pelosi. Indeed, if Pelosi’s mouth is moving she is talking about Trump. Frankly, I do not know why Republicans waste time on Trump when the Democrat Party is target rich.

What a load of SHIT!!

Parenthetically, the Chicago sewer rat entered into a partnership with Congress and the Courts. Now individual members in the Senate, in the House, and in the federal courts are trying to implement Obama’s partnership agreement as though they are President Trump’s partners with equal authority in foreign policy.

Diarrhea Mouth made herself a senior partner while she demoted President Trump to junior partner.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Monday that she and GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina are working on a joint congressional resolution which they hope will "overturn" President Donald Trump's decision to remove U.S. troops from the Syrian border with Turkey.

partnership (noun)

1. The state of being a partner.

2. a. A legal contract entered into by two or more persons in which each agrees to furnish a part of the capital and labor for a business enterprise, and by which each shares a fixed proportion of profits and losses. b. The persons bound by such a contract.

3. A relationship between individuals or groups that is characterized by mutual cooperation and responsibility, as for the achievement of a specified goal: Neighborhood groups formed a partnership to fight crime.

Note that every one of the traitors in U.S. Senate’s nest of traitors have long been junior partners in their partnership with the United Nations.

GOP Sens. Marco Rubio of Florida, Cory Gardner of Colorado and Mitt Romney of Utah have all come out in opposition to Trump's decision to withdraw U.S. troops from the Syrian border, according to USA Today.

Pelosi claims she has plan to 'overturn the president's dangerous decision in Syria'
Randy DeSoto
The Western Journal
Published October 15, 2019 at 11:02am


Let me close with a reminder:

Marco Rubio’s speech to the Council on Foreign Relations identified his first loyalty:

My foreign policy consists of three pillars.


. . . my second pillar, which is the protection of the American economy in a globalized world. When America was founded, it took more than 10 weeks to travel to Europe. In the 19th century, the steam engine cut that down to around 12 days. In the 20th century, the airplane cut it to around six hours. And now in the 21st century, you can access global markets in a single second with the tap of your Smart Phone.

Marco Rubio's Foreign Policy Vision
Wednesday, May 13, 2015


And lets not forget that the MSM was pushing Rubio for vice president in 2012. Romney found a bigger U.N.-lover in Paul Ryan. Nevertheless, Romney and Rubio are teaming up for another run at doing the U.N.’s dirty work:

Mitt Romney isn’t very far into the vice presidential selection process. But according to a dedicated band of conspiracy theorists, the pick is all but a lock: Sen. Marco Rubio.

That’s the current thinking among a worldwide collection of activists who are obsessed with the secretive Bilderberg Group, an alternating roster of global power players who loom as large — if not larger — in the online fever swamps of the fringe as the Trilateral Commission or the Council on Foreign Relations.

Rubio as VP: the Bilderberg conspiracy
By: Kenneth P. Vogel
May 19, 2012 04:33 PM EDT

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Senator Graham & Company would play hell defending their foreign policy if President Trump openly defended his foreign policy against the United Nations:

All of the touchy-feely doublespeak about this country’s moral obligation to defend Communist Kurds is a NATO sideshow. The U.N. is the ringmaster in that Middle East circus. Graham and his kind on both sides of the aisle are speaking for the United Nations. RINO and Democrats are scared stiff the Terrible Turk might walk out of the U.N. if he stands up to the global government crowd calling the shots just as they did in the failed League of Nations almost a century ago. Their biggest fear is that Erdogan walking out might start every Muslim asking “What am I doing in the United Nations?”

I would like to remind Graham that the Soviet Union fought with the U.S. to defeat Nazi Germany. American Communists got a lot more from that alliance than loyal Americans ever got. American Communists are still playing the “Wartime Ally” card long after the Soviet Union imploded. Graham obviously wants to give the Kurds the same deal. Basically, politically expedient alliances are not eternal.

During Wednesday’s broadcast of the Christian Broadcasting Network’s “The 700 Club,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said he would become President Donald Trump’s “worst nightmare” if he allowed Turkey to continue its assault on the Kurds in Northern Syria.

Graham said to host Pat Robertson, “To your viewers: If you are not praying for the Kurds, we should all be ashamed of ourselves. It was the Kurds who worked with the America military to destroy ISIS. If we abandon the Kurds, it will be dishonorable. It will be a disaster.”

He continued, “I am looking to President Trump to change this. I will do anything I can to help him, but I will also become President Trump’s worst nightmare.

Senator Graham’s partnership agreement with Obama is already President Trump’s worst nightmare. Graham’s worst nightmare began when Obama left office. It is time he woke up.

Parenthetically, the Chicago sewer rat entered into a partnership with Congress and the Courts. Now individual members in the Senate, in the House, and in the federal courts are trying to implement Obama’s partnership agreement as though they are President Trump’s partners with equal authority in foreign policy.
I will not sit along the sidelines and watch our good ally, the Kurds, be slaughtered by Turkey and watch Iran move into Syria and become another nightmare for Israel. This is a defining moment for President Trump — he needs to up his game.”

He added, “President Trump, if you are listening to this interview, if you remove all of our forces from Syria, you are throwing the Kurds over, ISIS will come back on your watch and Iran will take over and you, my friend, will be in great jeopardy of losing the election.”

Lindsey Graham: I’ll Become ‘Trump’s Worst Nightmare’ if He Doesn’t Stop Slaughter of Kurds
by Pam Key
16 Oct 2019

Senator Graham’s partnership agreement with Obama is already President Trump’s worst nightmare. Graham’s worst nightmare began when Obama left office. It is time he woke up.

DITTO —— Nutso Nancy and Vomit Schumer:

Pelosi and Schumer bolt from Syria
meeting with Trump after ‘meltdown’
New York Post, by Bob Fredericks
October 16, 2019 | 5:02pm


If the shoe fits wear it:

Schumer also said Trump was rude to Pelosi, calling her a “third rate politician” and that he said, “there are communists involved and you guys might like that.”

Schumer Says Trump Called Pelosi A ‘Third Grade Politician’ During White House Meeting
Henry Rodgers
Capitol Hill Reporter
October 16, 2019 5:14 PM ET

Senator Graham’s partnership agreement with Obama is already President Trump’s worst nightmare. Graham’s worst nightmare began when Obama left office. It is time he woke up.

DITTO —— Nutso Nancy and Vomit Schumer:

Pelosi and Schumer bolt from Syria
meeting with Trump after ‘meltdown’
New York Post, by Bob Fredericks
October 16, 2019 | 5:02pm

Unhinged Nancy Pelosi and Top Lt. Adam Schiff Fly Off to Jordan for Meetings on Syria
by Jim Hoft
October 20, 2019



How long will it be before President Trump’s “partners” give orders to the U.S. Military on authority from the United Nations?
I would like to remind Graham that the Soviet Union fought with the U.S. to defeat Nazi Germany. American Communists got a lot more from that alliance than loyal Americans ever got. American Communists are still playing the “Wartime Ally” card long after the Soviet Union imploded. Graham obviously wants to give the Kurds the same deal. Basically, politically expedient alliances are not eternal.


Senator Graham’s partnership agreement with Obama is already President Trump’s worst nightmare. Graham’s worst nightmare began when Obama left office. It is time he woke up.

This one is akin to a lover’s quarrel between a fart and a turd:

"Susan Rice, who was a disaster to President Obama as National Security Advisor, is now telling us her opinion on what to do in Syria.

Susan Rice: Lindsey Graham is 'a piece of s---'
By John Bowden
10/22/19 06:03 PM EDT

How long will it be before President Trump’s “partners” give orders to the U.S. Military on authority from the United Nations?

Diarrhea Mouth’s trip was designed to assure the United Nations that this country’s constitutional commander in chief does not control the U.S. Military.

House Democrats are sending an implicit message that President Trump and his administration aren’t the only ones setting U.S. foreign policy.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and her party are seeking to reassure foreign allies about U.S. policies, including the U.S. role in Syria and the broader Middle East, even as they move toward impeaching the president.

The most high-profile example came when Pelosi arrived in Jordan and Afghanistan over the weekend unannounced with seven other Democrats and one Republican.

Pelosi, Democrats send message on foreign policy with high-profile trip
By Rebecca Kheel - 10/24/19 06:00 AM EDT


I like to think the soldiers in this photo are laughing at Diarrhea Mouth not with her:

Is Rubio serious?

Rubio reelection wastes no time getting off the ground in Florida
by David M. Drucker, Senior Political Correspondent |
June 09, 2021 05:28 PM


Rubio better concentrate on sucking up campaign donations:

Many candidates only run to build war chests. Many candidates have no intention of wining so they hang onto the money they get. Any money leftover can be used to buy influence in the party. A frugal candidate can hang onto to most of the money they receive in donations.


Even if Rubio falls into a tub of butter and gets the nomination, conservatives nationwide will neither forget nor forgive:

Marco Rubio’s speech to the Council on Foreign Relations identified his first loyalty:

My foreign policy consists of three pillars.


. . . my second pillar, which is the protection of the American economy in a globalized world. When America was founded, it took more than 10 weeks to travel to Europe. In the 19th century, the steam engine cut that down to around 12 days. In the 20th century, the airplane cut it to around six hours. And now in the 21st century, you can access global markets in a single second with the tap of your Smart Phone.

Marco Rubio's Foreign Policy Vision
Wednesday, May 13, 2015


And lets not forget that the MSM was pushing Rubio for vice president in 2012. Romney found a bigger U.N.-lover in Paul Ryan. Nevertheless, Romney and Rubio are teaming up for another run at doing the U.N.’s dirty work:

Mitt Romney isn’t very far into the vice presidential selection process. But according to a dedicated band of conspiracy theorists, the pick is all but a lock: Sen. Marco Rubio.

That’s the current thinking among a worldwide collection of activists who are obsessed with the secretive Bilderberg Group, an alternating roster of global power players who loom as large — if not larger — in the online fever swamps of the fringe as the Trilateral Commission or the Council on Foreign Relations.

Rubio as VP: the Bilderberg conspiracy
By: Kenneth P. Vogel
May 19, 2012 04:33 PM EDT

What makes you think that any Republican who doesn't kowtow to the left will be elected or reelected after H.R. 1 is law?
What makes you think that any Republican who doesn't kowtow to the left will be elected or reelected

To Legion: I think he is running for campaign donations:

The senator’s campaign manager, Mark Morgan, has been on the job since early March. Among his first projects has been building and deploying a statewide voter turnout operation. Rubio, who is considering another run for president in 2024, meaning there is a lot riding on him winning a third term, does not appear to be taking his race for granted, despite the advantage of running in a midterm election with President Joe Biden in office.


after H.R. 1 is law?

To Legion: Democrats do not need H.R. 1 to tighten their grip on every election far into the next century. In short: Every Republican seeking reelection, or election, in 2022 is in deep do-do because the machinery for stealing elections is as solid as the Rock of Gibralter. Establishment Republicans will be more powerless in 2022 than they were in 2020.

The Supreme Court, media mouths, mail-in ballots, grotesque voting machines, and every method Democrats have been using to rig elections for a century stole the presidency and both Houses of Congress last year. The conspiracy, and the conspirators, that stole the elections in 2020 are ready, willing, and positioned to do it again in 2022.


NOTE: Republicans did nothing to establish fair elections when they had the White House and both Houses of Congress. Expect more of the same in the unlikely event they ever gain control again.
I am not a Republican or a Democrat.

So you're not actually participating, Poppy.

I don't think that the Democrats and Republicans should be the only relevant and viable political parties.
I really don't.
I wish that other options existed and mattered.
For now, though, they don't.

If you want to actually participate, you choose a side, whichever one from which you can do the most good
Otherwise, you can sit back and complain even while being a definite part of the problem.
So you're not actually participating, Poppy.

If you want to actually participate, you choose a side, whichever one from which you can do the most good
Otherwise, you can sit back and complain even while being a definite part of the problem.

To NiftyNiblick: Exactly how do you participate, asshole?