Rudy deathwatch?


Will work for Scooby snacks
McCain's cratering.

Now, it looks like Rudy is cratering.

Word is getting out to the GOP faithful, that Rudy is for publically funded abortions - which is virtually considered satanic in GOP primaries.

The Bernard Kerik-mafia fiasco doesn't help Rudy. They guy is pro-gun control, for crying out loud. How's that play in GOP primaries?

Now, Rudy is also polling significantly behind John Edwards, in a head to head presidential match (49% to 43%-Rasmussen). And yet, Edwards is even barely considered a top-tier Dem candidate, since he's polling in third place behind Obama and Clinton.

Edwards is also beating McCain, Fred Thompson, and Mitt Romney. aka, the third-place dem, is beating all the top tier GOP contenders.

I predicted long ago, that McCain would crater. I could be wrong, but I think fossil McCain is pretty much history at this point. The GOP faithful never really liked him that much anyway. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to have seen this coming.

I'm not predicting -yet - that Rudy is about to crater. But, I think we should know pretty soon.
McCain's cratering.

Now, it looks like Rudy is cratering.

Word is getting out to the GOP faithful, that Rudy is for publically funded abortions - which is virtually considered satanic in GOP primaries.

The Bernard Kerik-mafia fiasco doesn't help Rudy. They guy is pro-gun control, for crying out loud. How's that play in GOP primaries?

Now, Rudy is also polling significantly behind John Edwards, in a head to head presidential match (49% to 43%-Rasmussen). And yet, Edwards is even barely considered a top-tier Dem candidate, since he's polling in third place behind Obama and Clinton.

Edwards is also beating McCain, Fred Thompson, and Mitt Romney. aka, the third-place dem, is beating all the top tier GOP contenders.

I predicted long ago, that McCain would crater. I could be wrong, but I think fossil McCain is pretty much history at this point. The GOP faithful never really liked him that much anyway. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to have seen this coming.

I'm not predicting -yet - that Rudy is about to crater. But, I think we should know pretty soon.

I have 500 dollars riding on this Cypress. So keep me updated. :)
Regardless, I have doubted from the beginning that Giuliani had any chance at this. From Mayor to President in today's environment?

I'm certainly not a one-issue voter. His abortion stance would have little bearing on how I voted. Even most of the one-issue guys that I know still like his "law and order" stance and say if he would compromise on the guns he might still gain their vote.

I can't say how this will turn out, other than I expect the Ds to gain the WH in the next election.