Rudy Giuliani takes slight shot at Trump over his 'flipping' comments:

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
could Rudy be getting ready to bail

“The President is not a lawyer,” Giuliani told the Daily News.

In an unusual rebuttal of his own boss, the New York mayor-turned-top Trump lawyer suggested the President might not have had a full grasp of what he was talking about when he went on Fox News on Wednesday and proposed outlawing witness cooperation agreements.
Is that thing on his finger in the article photo his Ring of Loyalty?

It's hilarious how Trump wants to make everything that shows him for the loser he is illegal. Jail the journalists. Make flipping illegal... what comes after that? Make testifying about him illegal unless it's good stuff? Women accusing him of unwanted advances? Illegal! Talk about racism? Illegal! Talking trash about Trump on Twitter? Illegal!
Is that thing on his finger in the article photo his Ring of Loyalty?

It's hilarious how Trump wants to make everything that shows him for the loser he is illegal. Jail the journalists. Make flipping illegal... what comes after that? Make testifying about him illegal unless it's good stuff? Women accusing him of unwanted advances? Illegal! Talk about racism? Illegal! Talking trash about Trump on Twitter? Illegal!

He is losing it.
It's really going to get crazy, soon.
I don't think Rudy is either smart enough or honest enough for me to pay any attention to anything he says. He is very presidential in that way.
He is losing it.
It's really going to get crazy, soon.


The bon voyages were said a long time ago.
If Rudy jumps would be major.

My feelings are that once the dominoes start falling...they will come down like thunder. And at some point, the dominoes are going to start falling.


Even his most loyal supporters in Washington have no love for him. Most realize that Trump would throw them under the bus in an instant...and are only supporting him because they think constituents require that of them. But once the shit's all over.
It's fairly common knowledge in Congress, from what I've heard from believable sources, that even the elected officials who kiss Trump's ass in public only do so to maintain popularity with their dumbass, low-educated constituents. In private and amongst each other, they talk about what a mentally unstable dumbass he is.