Rudy's Next Judy - coming soon


This is from a huge profile in Vanity Fair. This is only the last bit of it, but perhaps the most interesting. Maybe just to me, because I have always said this! I have known men like Rudy, they do not stay in love. There is going to be a number 4, but first, there will be a couple of mistresses.

And if he's in the White House, that's going to become public, and he will, once again, tell the press and the people it's none of their business. Then he will "fall in love" again, and he will divorce the first lady while he is president.

What a show it would be. It tempts a liberal to root for Rudy just to watch it, and then lmao when conservatives try to tell me why "It's different" this time.

You know, I mean, if Rudy weren't a facist, it would be worth it.

"The position of "Mrs. Giuliani" has not historically been a secure post. Although the candidate has lately been warned by advisers to avoid any hint of scandal, there is a sense that perhaps he is not listening. "Does a leopard change its spots?" says one close friend. Recently, Starr Shephard, a Texan who informs me she used to be on the "U.S. world team of rhythmic twirling gymnastics," emerged in The National Enquirer, which ran a story suggesting she might be a Giuliani love interest. "I am not having an affair with Rudy Giuliani. I do not need a political power stick," the 36-year-old redhead says when I call her. "I believe in his vision and his voice even if I do not believe in his family."

"What do you mean by that?" I wonder.

"Oh, you know, you hear things about his family," she replies.

"God Bless America for his power," Shephard writes on MySpace. Beneath a photo of herself and Rudy there is a promise that he will "advance our one nation under God."

Naturally, Judith is on her guard. "And who are you?" she inquired of an attractive and prominent Republican woman who embraced her husband during a chance encounter in a New York restaurant. The woman marvels at such behavior. ("I felt like saying, 'Really, it's O.K.! I love my husband!'" she recalls.) But who can blame Judith?

"They're all there to stay," says Papir. "Until they're gone. And the staff usually knows before they do. And we hear the footsteps."

There have been other moments of vulnerability. At the close of the May Republican debate, Judith leapt onstage eagerly, her face beaming with delight. Giuliani, it was noted, appeared strangely disconcerted. "It did not look like he was happy to see her. It looked to me like he was estranged," says Barrett. "He was cold."

It was in the ladies' room before the event that observers got a telling glimpse of the real Judith. She had gone there to touch up her makeup when some of her husband's staff informed her Giuliani was in the vicinity, walking by.

"He's out there! Coming by!" repeated Judith, her voice tense with excitement. And then a plea: "Tell him to wait for me!"
maybe it should be named "im divoring you" so his last wife would have a clue about whats going to happen.