Rummy to War Critics... "BACK OFF" !


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During an often-combative Pentagon news conference, Rumsfeld said that while benchmarks for security, political and economic progress are valuable, “it’s difficult. We’re looking out into the future. No one can predict the future with absolute certainty.”

And the Republicans say President Clinton Lost it in his recient interview?
Most republicans are getting a bit "testy" of late for some inexplicable reason. At least it is inexplicable to them ;)
After all they could not have made mistakes now could they ?
Guess the "liberal" media only makes a big deal of it when its a Democrat who "looses it"!
He didn't lose it he made a fine statement on the facts and the situation. Excellent job. And it has nothing to do with Clinton's losing it (which he did).
He hit the nail on the head with his comment on the Bush bashing liberal media.

>>Noting that this is the political season, Rumsfeld also complained that critics and the media are trying to “make a little mischief” by trying to “find a little daylight between what the Iraqis say or someone in the United States says
He didn't lose it he made a fine statement on the facts and the situation. Excellent job. And it has nothing to do with Clinton's losing it (which he did).
LOL! Good ol' Toby.

Have you ever seen the movie Kung Pao: Enter the Fist, Tobes? You so remind me of Wimp Lo, it's almost as if they wrote the part for you. Or that you wrote the part, maybe?

Most republicans are getting a bit "testy" of late for some inexplicable reason. At least it is inexplicable to them ;)
After all they could not have made mistakes now could they ?

And slightly more irrational than usual; one headline said Bush yelled himself hoarse at his last outing. They are getting more and more shrill. Elizabeth Dole really went nuts on Sunday's FoxSpews, Chris Wallace had a harder time shutting her up and correcting all her lies, than he did with Clinton. And she kept on with at least as much indignation. And even though he tried to correct her lies, which were whopper's, she just kept talking over him as if he was the Democratic challenger instead of the moderator. She seemed very angry!! I wonder if this will be the end of "we are Not losing either House" Rove. I wonder if her anger will hurt her re-election chances? Maybe this election will do to Karl what Fitzpatrick couldn't. Oh, that's right he works for Bush, if the Republicans lose both Houses he'll probably be awarded the Medal of Freedom.
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I saw that Elizabeth Dole interview, it was pretty funny and I gained a new respect for Chris Wallace.

Whats wrong with Elizabeth Dole's face... Did she have some plastic surgery go bad or something?
I wouldn't go that far with Wallace. I felt that her lies were just so outrageous that he felt he couldn't let them go by, if he didn't want to get a huge amount of email. I also felt that even though he said she would only have 30 seconds he certainly did not cut her off anywhere near 30 seconds. In fact, it appeared to me that she had about another minute or more after the first time he said your, 30 seconds were up. And it appeared that she was running the interview not him. And she just went right through him everytime he tried to interrupt her. I have seen them cut the mike on other people, not on his show but on other FOX shows so I know it can be done, but he didn't do it to her. I think some men have a hard time with women on television.