

Are you Kathieanne?

Are you telling people you chased me off some other site where I was posting as John Doe?

I post on no other site and have never been there under any name, ever.
Didn't even know about that board until I was informed you were running your big yap off about me on it, and making ludicrously false claims.

Knock it off.
She thought you were Care4all.


I've known Care for years, and no one is "chasing" her off any boards. Care is an awesome, strong, intelligent woman. :)

Didn't care get banned from some rightwing lovefest board? :confused:
I think she is just taking a break from that one. It is very exausting over there. The peopel will never admitt when you have made a good point and flat out refuse facts.
I had an administraitor tell me flat out he did not care about the facts in the article I posted. He then lost it when I quoted him.
Runyon is to be respected for her her admission that whe never should have sent me the PM on the other site.

I respect her and this issue is over.

I respect her integrity and admire her.

This is an edit for the 18th of november 2007:

I wish I still felt this way.
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I've known Care for years, and no one is "chasing" her off any boards. Care is an awesome, strong, intelligent woman. :)

Didn't care get banned from some rightwing lovefest board? :confused:

If we had Positive reputaion points on this site I would give ya one or ten if I could! yeah, you got me pegged to the T- thank you very much and if permitted to say so myself!!!!! :)


kisses and hugs Cypress!

And no one has "run me off of any site" nor will they ever run me off of any site, and certanly not runyon aka Kathianne!!!!

I think she is just taking a break from that one. It is very exausting over there. The peopel will never admitt when you have made a good point and flat out refuse facts.
I had an administraitor tell me flat out he did not care about the facts in the article I posted. He then lost it when I quoted him.
A whole board full of Asshats? Krikee! That's one scary serpent.
