Rush is Bi/Gay!

How come the left always uses homosexuality as an insult?

And here I thought being gay was ok...

Why did he say drug abusers should be locked up?
Being gay is ok unless you "preach" against it while practicing it.
It is the hypocracy not the being gay part.
Why did he say drug abusers should be locked up?
Being gay is ok unless you "preach" against it while practicing it.

Sorry to break this to you Mr. Perfect, but everyone preaches against what they practice at some point in their lives. Get off your high horse.
Why did he say drug abusers should be locked up?
Being gay is ok unless you "preach" against it while practicing it.
It is the hypocracy not the being gay part.
I don't recall Rush preaching against homosexuality- just insisting that those who choose that lifestyle take responsibility for its consequences. *shrug*
wtf is up with all the liberal obsession with Rush Limbaugh? If the conservative movement is really 'dead', as they say, then wouldn't ignoring Rush be the optimum response?
you mean Michael Weiner?

Mottley said Michael Savage. Over the weekend Family Guy aired an episode (let me stress that it is my husband, not I, who likes this program) in which initially Rush Limbaugh and Michael Moore were accused of having a gay affair. It was later learned that they and several other people were in fact merely costumes worn by the same person, who was Fred Savage from The Wonder Years, attempting to show what a great actor he really was. I don't care for this show but we were travelling and it was interfering with my reading of The Past through Tomorrow. What can I say? LOL.
No offense, SM, but isn't that just a bit sexist of you? No, I'm just extremely bright, female, and straight.
No offense take. The name "Thorn" just seems masculine. Isn't it sexist to have to claim "bright" with "female" in the same sentence?