Rush Limbaugh death fraud!


Well-known member
I think we all know that Rush Limbaugh’s death is simply a liberal hoax. Nobody truly believe Rush Limbaugh died, it’s just an attempt to get rid of and censor his speech. Corporate media is repeating the lie because Rush Limbaugh was breaking free from the liberal agenda. It was the only way liberalism could continue to survive. Don’t buy the lie.

Stop the steal!
you are probably one who can occupy your mind for eternity can really be dead.........same reason Trump will be your president forever.....
They are stupid enough to go for this or anything else. This story will have legs and cause an attack at the FCC no doubt about it.:palm:
I heard he's on Sexy Island with Elvis and Jeffrey. :laugh:

Ha. Did you know liberals have secret FCC frequencies assigned by the deep state for solely cabal communist communications?
It's where we plan our vampire child blood sucking attacks with dear leader Hillary.

Of course you knew.
Ha. Did you know liberals have secret FCC frequencies assigned by the deep state for solely cabal communist communications?
It's where we plan our vampire child blood sucking attacks with dear leader Hillary.

Of course you knew.

Dammit, we're not supposed to talk about that publicly! Now you're going to be sent to the Alinsky Re-Education Camp at Six Commie Flags Over Massachusetts!
I think we all know that Rush Limbaugh’s death is simply a liberal hoax. Nobody truly believe Rush Limbaugh died, it’s just an attempt to get rid of and censor his speech. Corporate media is repeating the lie because Rush Limbaugh was breaking free from the liberal agenda. It was the only way liberalism could continue to survive. Don’t buy the lie.

Stop the steal!

You always seem to come up with the dumbest thread ideas. Stuff you THINK is funny,...but its just kind of stupid. More like 3rd grade type humor. Whatever you do dont quit your day job. You will never make it in comedy. ;)
Rush Limbaugh was a demagogue who shamelessly preached hate and bigotry to his feeble minded audience, for financial gain. Unfortunately, Rush Limbaugh's poisonous legacy will live on for sometime to come among the not so intelligent, who still believe that Limbaugh's death is a Liberal hoax.
You always seem to come up with the dumbest thread ideas. Stuff you THINK is funny,...but its just kind of stupid. More like 3rd grade type humor. Whatever you do dont quit your day job. You will never make it in comedy. ;)

You know Stoney, you are the master clown on this forum, and we won't want to deprive you of that honor.
They are stupid enough to go for this or anything else. This story will have legs and cause an attack at the FCC no doubt about it.:palm:

Yes the FCC definitely kidnapped him, and have him in a secret reeducation camp. Storm the FCC headquarters now!
You know Stoney, you are the master clown on this forum, and we won't want to deprive you of that honor.

Yes,...I know. Do you think just any dumb fuck can turn on good humor like turning on a light switch? No,...they cant. It actually takes some intelligence to do off the cuff comedy on the fly. You dont have that.
They are several people in here that are funny as hell. Jarod isnt one of them....;)
you are probably one who can occupy your mind for eternity can really be dead.........same reason Trump will be your president forever.....

This assumes Trump was his President the first time when Trump never had either the moral or intellectual authority for it. The mark he left on the office is in the category of a shit stain.
You always seem to come up with the dumbest thread ideas. Stuff you THINK is funny,...but its just kind of stupid. More like 3rd grade type humor. Whatever you do dont quit your day job. You will never make it in comedy. ;)

It’s designed to get exactly this reaction from the likes of you... success!
Rush Limbaugh was a demagogue who shamelessly preached hate and bigotry to his feeble minded audience, for financial gain. Unfortunately, Rush Limbaugh's poisonous legacy will live on for sometime to come among the not so intelligent, who still believe that Limbaugh's death is a Liberal hoax.

"Rush Limbaugh was a demagogue who shamelessly preached hate and bigotry to his feeble minded audience"

Ah, thank you. I was waiting for this. Rush was recently commenting on the generational differences between the two parties as regards right and wrong and good vs. evil. To paraphrase his comments, we used to debate right and wrong, i.e., "you're wrong and here's why", and then it would be the other guy's turn. Today, the left has a list of things that are "evil"(the GOP is one thing on the list).They don't debate this, they declare it. For instance, they will declare loudly that racism is evil. Fine, I agree. But they will point to someone like me as the source of that racism, based solely on my political beliefs. So endeth the paraphrase. My take is that Americans are kind of hard wired to fight evil as they perceive it, and when your jackass generals point to me and say "look upon the face of evil and hate! It must be destroyed!" and out come the torches and pitchforks. :village:, don't be surprised if I defend myself. Nine times out of ten, the conservative response is gonna be "you're wrong and here's why", but you won't listen.

This seems to be a curse on we conservatives, that we can no longer debate right and wrong, but simply stay banded together and discuss current events among ourselves objectively and with logic.

This is a list of Rush's 35 "Undeniable Truths". Up to the end, virtually every show he did related back to one or more of these principles. Find and expose the "hate and bigotry"

The "Undeniable Truths" were part of an article he wrote for the Sacramento Union back in 1988. Here they are:

1. The greatest threat to humanity lies in the nuclear arsenal of the USSR. 2. The greatest threat to humanity lies in the USSR. 3. Peace does not mean the elimination of nuclear weapons. 4. Peace does not mean the absence of war. 5. War is not obsolete. 6. Ours is a world governed by the aggressive use of force. 7. There is only one way to get rid of nuclear weapons - use them. 8. Peace cannot be achieved by developing a "understanding" with the Russian People. 9. When Americans oppose America, it is not always courageous and sacred; it is sometimes dangerous. 10. Communism Kills. 11. Neither the US, nor anyone else, imposes freedom on the peoples of other nations. 12. Freedom is God given. 13. In the USSR, peace means the absence of opposition. 14. To free peoples, peace means the absence of threats and the presence of justice. 15. The Peace Movement in the US, whether by accident or design, is pro-Communist. 16. The collective knowledge and wisdom of seasoned citizens is the most valuable, yet untapped, resource our young-people have. 17. The greatest football team in the history of civilization is the Pittsburgh Steelers of 1975-1980. 18. There is no such thing as war atrocities. 19. War itself is an atrocity. 20. There is a God. 21. Abortion is wrong. 22. Morality is not defined and cannot be defined by individual choice. 23. Evolution cannot explain Creation. 24. Feminism was established so as to allow unattractive women access to the mainstream of society. 25. Love is the only human emotion that cannot be controlled. 26. The only difference between Mikhail Gorbachev and previous Soviet leaders, is that Gorbachev is alive. 27. Soviet Leaders are just left-wing dictators. 28. Abe Lincoln saved this nation. 29. The L.A. Raiders will never be the team that they were when they called Oakland their home. 30. The US will again go to war. 31. To more and more people, a victorious US is a sinful US. 32. This is frightening and ominous. 33. There will always be poor people. 34. This is not the fault of the rich. 35. You should thank God for making you an American; and instead of feeling guilty about it, help spread our ideas worldwide.

Rush has updated this list, many of the "old" UTOL having become somewhat dated (but no less true for being in the past tense!) As read by Rush Limbaugh on his radio show, Friday, February 18, 1994:

(All equally truthful: number 1 is not more or less important than 35.)

1. There is a distinct singular American culture - rugged individualism and self-reliance - which made America great. 2. The vast majority of the rich in this country did not inherit their wealth; they earned it. They are the country's achievers, producers, and job creators. 3. No nation has ever taxed itself into prosperity. 4. Evidence refutes liberalism. 5. There is no such thing as a New Democrat. 6. The Earth's eco-system is not fragile. 7. Character matters; leadership decends from character. 8. The most beautiful thing about a tree is what you do with it after you cut it down. 9. Ronald Reagan was the greatest president of the twentieth century. 10. The 1980s was not a decade of greed but a decade of prosperity; it was the longest period of peacetime growth in American history. 11. Abstinence prevents sexually transmitted disease and pregnancy -every time it's tried. 12. Condoms only work during the school year. 13. Poverty is not the root ("rut") cause of crime. 14. There's a simple way to solve the crime problem: obey the law; punish those who do not. 15. If you commit a crime, you are guilty. 16. Women should not be allowed on juries where the accused is a stud. 17. The way to improve our schools is not more money, but the reintroduction of moral and spiritual values, as well as the four "R's": reading, 'riting, 'rithmatic, and Rush. 18. I am not arrogant. 19. My first 35 Undeniable Truths are still undeniably true. 20. There is a God. 21. There is something wrong when critics say the problem with America is too much religion. 22. Morality is not defined by individual choice. 23. The only way liberals win national elections is by pretending they're not liberals. 24. Feminism was established as to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream of society. 25. Follow the money. When somebody says, "It's not the money," it's always the money. 26. Liberals attempt through judicial activism what they cannot win at the ballot box. 27. Using federal dollars as a measure, our cities have not been neglected, but poisoned with welfare dependency funds. 28. Progress is not striving for economic justice or fairness, but economic growth. 29. Liberals measure compassion by how many people are given welfare. Conservatives measure compassion by how many people no longer need it. 30. Compassion is no substitute for justice. 31. The culture war is between the winners and those who think they're losers who want to become winners. The losers think the only way they can become winners is by banding together all the losers and then empowering a leader of the losers to make things right for them. 32. The Los Angeles riots were not caused by the Rodney King verdict. The Los Angeles riots were caused by rioters. 33. You could afford your house without your government - if it weren't for your government. 34. Words mean things. 35. Too many Americans can't laugh at themselves anymore.
"Rush Limbaugh was a demagogue who shamelessly preached hate and bigotry to his feeble minded audience"

Ah, thank you. I was waiting for this. Rush was recently commenting on the generational differences between the two parties as regards right and wrong and good vs. evil. To paraphrase his comments, we used to debate right and wrong, i.e., "you're wrong and here's why", and then it would be the other guy's turn. Today, the left has a list of things that are "evil"(the GOP is one thing on the list).They don't debate this, they declare it. For instance, they will declare loudly that racism is evil. Fine, I agree. But they will point to someone like me as the source of that racism, based solely on my political beliefs. So endeth the paraphrase. My take is that Americans are kind of hard wired to fight evil as they perceive it, and when your jackass generals point to me and say "look upon the face of evil and hate! It must be destroyed!" and out come the torches and pitchforks. :village:, don't be surprised if I defend myself. Nine times out of ten, the conservative response is gonna be "you're wrong and here's why", but you won't listen.

This seems to be a curse on we conservatives, that we can no longer debate right and wrong, but simply stay banded together and discuss current events among ourselves objectively and with logic.

This is a list of Rush's 35 "Undeniable Truths". Up to the end, virtually every show he did related back to one or more of these principles. Find and expose the "hate and bigotry"

The "Undeniable Truths" were part of an article he wrote for the Sacramento Union back in 1988. Here they are:

1. The greatest threat to humanity lies in the nuclear arsenal of the USSR. 2. The greatest threat to humanity lies in the USSR. 3. Peace does not mean the elimination of nuclear weapons. 4. Peace does not mean the absence of war. 5. War is not obsolete. 6. Ours is a world governed by the aggressive use of force. 7. There is only one way to get rid of nuclear weapons - use them. 8. Peace cannot be achieved by developing a "understanding" with the Russian People. 9. When Americans oppose America, it is not always courageous and sacred; it is sometimes dangerous. 10. Communism Kills. 11. Neither the US, nor anyone else, imposes freedom on the peoples of other nations. 12. Freedom is God given. 13. In the USSR, peace means the absence of opposition. 14. To free peoples, peace means the absence of threats and the presence of justice. 15. The Peace Movement in the US, whether by accident or design, is pro-Communist. 16. The collective knowledge and wisdom of seasoned citizens is the most valuable, yet untapped, resource our young-people have. 17. The greatest football team in the history of civilization is the Pittsburgh Steelers of 1975-1980. 18. There is no such thing as war atrocities. 19. War itself is an atrocity. 20. There is a God. 21. Abortion is wrong. 22. Morality is not defined and cannot be defined by individual choice. 23. Evolution cannot explain Creation. 24. Feminism was established so as to allow unattractive women access to the mainstream of society. 25. Love is the only human emotion that cannot be controlled. 26. The only difference between Mikhail Gorbachev and previous Soviet leaders, is that Gorbachev is alive. 27. Soviet Leaders are just left-wing dictators. 28. Abe Lincoln saved this nation. 29. The L.A. Raiders will never be the team that they were when they called Oakland their home. 30. The US will again go to war. 31. To more and more people, a victorious US is a sinful US. 32. This is frightening and ominous. 33. There will always be poor people. 34. This is not the fault of the rich. 35. You should thank God for making you an American; and instead of feeling guilty about it, help spread our ideas worldwide.

Rush has updated this list, many of the "old" UTOL having become somewhat dated (but no less true for being in the past tense!) As read by Rush Limbaugh on his radio show, Friday, February 18, 1994:

(All equally truthful: number 1 is not more or less important than 35.)

1. There is a distinct singular American culture - rugged individualism and self-reliance - which made America great. 2. The vast majority of the rich in this country did not inherit their wealth; they earned it. They are the country's achievers, producers, and job creators. 3. No nation has ever taxed itself into prosperity. 4. Evidence refutes liberalism. 5. There is no such thing as a New Democrat. 6. The Earth's eco-system is not fragile. 7. Character matters; leadership decends from character. 8. The most beautiful thing about a tree is what you do with it after you cut it down. 9. Ronald Reagan was the greatest president of the twentieth century. 10. The 1980s was not a decade of greed but a decade of prosperity; it was the longest period of peacetime growth in American history. 11. Abstinence prevents sexually transmitted disease and pregnancy -every time it's tried. 12. Condoms only work during the school year. 13. Poverty is not the root ("rut") cause of crime. 14. There's a simple way to solve the crime problem: obey the law; punish those who do not. 15. If you commit a crime, you are guilty. 16. Women should not be allowed on juries where the accused is a stud. 17. The way to improve our schools is not more money, but the reintroduction of moral and spiritual values, as well as the four "R's": reading, 'riting, 'rithmatic, and Rush. 18. I am not arrogant. 19. My first 35 Undeniable Truths are still undeniably true. 20. There is a God. 21. There is something wrong when critics say the problem with America is too much religion. 22. Morality is not defined by individual choice. 23. The only way liberals win national elections is by pretending they're not liberals. 24. Feminism was established as to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream of society. 25. Follow the money. When somebody says, "It's not the money," it's always the money. 26. Liberals attempt through judicial activism what they cannot win at the ballot box. 27. Using federal dollars as a measure, our cities have not been neglected, but poisoned with welfare dependency funds. 28. Progress is not striving for economic justice or fairness, but economic growth. 29. Liberals measure compassion by how many people are given welfare. Conservatives measure compassion by how many people no longer need it. 30. Compassion is no substitute for justice. 31. The culture war is between the winners and those who think they're losers who want to become winners. The losers think the only way they can become winners is by banding together all the losers and then empowering a leader of the losers to make things right for them. 32. The Los Angeles riots were not caused by the Rodney King verdict. The Los Angeles riots were caused by rioters. 33. You could afford your house without your government - if it weren't for your government. 34. Words mean things. 35. Too many Americans can't laugh at themselves anymore.

I don't have time to read a book.