Russia could head new Mideast gas cartel


Villified User
Report: Russia could head new Mideast gas cartel

Friday, April 6, 2007

WASHINGTON — Russia and Middle East countries could decide to form a gas cartel a new report warns.

Algeria, Iran, Qatar and Russia have scheduled a meeting of the 15-member Gas-Exporting Countries Forum in Doha on April 9, Middle East Newsline reported.

Industry analysts said the session could result in a decision to form a cartel that would control gas supplies to the West.
I can only hope, natural gas is way too cheap.
We need a little ruski help to drive it up to a fair price.
$10 mcf
I'm very greedy I hope it doubles in price.
It's been far to cheap an underappreciated by the environmental rapist
underappreciated by the environmental rapist

Umm I think I need a little clarification on the environmental rapist part there....
Ahh!!! not protecting our finest resources.
Oil and gas, being waisted = environmantal rapist
I do wish people would only use the neergy they needed. Prices would drop as well.
Much of the problem is that oil is not OUR resource.....

At least not enough to sustain us.