Russia created 129 election events on facebook

the republican party was helped by Russia

trump did not win the support of the majority of Americans

trump never had the consent of the governed

this country should jail him and take every penny he owns
There is no argument that Wikileaks and Russia were working to help Trump. The day after the embarrassing bus remarks they dumped a load of anti Hillary crap. Timing was not likely coincidental. Then Comey released the story about finding new emails. Hillary was up 8 until that after within margin of error. If rightys are happy that the Russians helped Trump, because they wanted a Republican, no matter how unqualified, they should at least admit it happened. It is not in doubt.
I can still recall the rightwing howling with pout-rage, squealing like stuck pigs, at the mere perception that the Chinese government may have helped the Clinton campaign in 1996.
Anyone that based their vote on anything from FB or social media is a fool. Should not be allowed to vote just due to stupidity.