Russia doubles down on support for Trump


"The American news media is wildly overplaying Russia’s role in a major email leak. The Democratic National Convention was troubled by chaos and dissent. Donald J. Trump’s request for President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia to hack Democratic emails was a joke that American pundits simply did not get."

Such is the worldview presented by RT, the state-run, Moscow-based international news organization that, this week, found itself in a strange position: covering an American presidential election where Russia is suddenly playing a major role. The network, formerly known as Russia Today, has long been scrutinized for being a propaganda outlet of sorts for the Putin government, which oversees its finances. But its American arm, which attracts about eight million weekly viewers, has aspired to more mainstream success, hiring a team of on-the-ground journalists and familiar, if past-their-prime, television stars like Larry King and the former MSNBC anchor Ed Schultz. That balancing act has been strained by Russia’s suspected role in the release of stolen emails from the Democratic National Committee, a leak widely viewed as an attempt to meddle with the American election process.

RT’s coverage has tended to emphasize a theme of America in disarray. President Obama’s convention speech on Wednesday was notable for being “upstaged by T.P.P. protesters and other noisy audience members,” according to the opening paragraph of an article on the channel’s website. On Friday, its lead story on Hillary Clinton’s climactic address was an item about Bill Clinton being “caught napping” during the remarks. Then there is Mr. Trump, who shocked the American foreign policy establishment by seemingly inviting Mr. Putin to hack the emails of the Democratic leader.

RT’s site features a skeptical headline — “MSM Misses Trump’s Joke on Russia & Hillary Emails” — and notes that American news outlets “freaked out.” “Mainstream media can apparently no longer tell the difference between when Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is being bombastic and when he’s joking,” read the article, which ran without a byline, as is the case with other RT articles.

Trump for Prison 2016