Russia gate, impeachment, covid19, race riots


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What do they all have in common? They were orchestrated by the democrats, media allies, and funded by George Soros.

These were all designed to get Trump out of office. I wouldn't even doubt if China worked with democrats to spread Cornovirus. They both hated Trump and want him out of office.

Many of the rioters have admitted they were paid to come from out of state to riot and protest. Some even were told were pipes would be located. Who is funding them? Who is funding Antifa? Soros is.

All these events did not happen by accident. These are all strings being pulled to get Trump out of office.

An outsider who is not part of the ruling class has to be getting rid of.

If you notice it started out with mild measures to get rid of him, simple investigation. Then went to full blown impeachment. When that didn't work, they went with a worldwide virus to kill the economy. When that didn't work they went with all out, well funded, anarchy riots, to futher destroy business and ruin the economy.

Their media allies ran interference for Biden. And wallah. Just like that we have President Biden.

What do they all have in common? They were orchestrated by the democrats, media allies, and funded by George Soros.

These were all designed to get Trump out of office. I wouldn't even doubt if China worked with democrats to spread Cornovirus. They both hated Trump and want him out of office.

Many of the rioters have admitted they were paid to come from out of state to riot and protest. Some even were told were pipes would be located. Who is funding them? Who is funding Antifa? Soros is.

All these events did not happen by accident. These are all strings being pulled to get Trump out of office.

An outsider who is not part of the ruling class has to be getting rid of.

If you notice it started out with mild measures to get rid of him, simple investigation. Then went to full blown impeachment. When that didn't work, they went with a worldwide virus to kill the economy. When that didn't work they went with all out, well funded, anarchy riots, to futher destroy business and ruin the economy.

Their media allies ran interference for Biden. And wallah. Just like that we have President Biden.


America was Murdered.

Indeed. Why is it so hard for lefties to realize Soro's influence?

In my home state, we had rioters arrested on the news, saying they were paid 200 dollars to travel to my city, and where to find pipes. You mean to tell me no one is funding this?
Yes it was. It was indeed.

What I want to know is who did many of the perps who are doing this are at it because they are well meaning delusional fools, how many are Americans who hate America and are willfully killing America out of spite, and how much is a Chinese insurgency is the driver.

My feeling that the Chinese are doing this is ramping up fast.....this is exactly what they would do....and they did infiltrate our Universitys to a great degree....this stuff that we are seeing is straight out of the DIE RELIGION (Diversity/Inclusion/Equity) hymn books.
What I want to know is who did many of the perps who are doing this are at it because they are well meaning delusional fools, how many are Americans who hate America and are willfully killing America out of spite, and how much is a Chinese insurgency is the driver.

My feeling that the Chinese are doing this is ramping up fast.....this is exactly what they would do....and they did infiltrate our Universitys to a great degree....this stuff that we are seeing is straight out of the DIE RELIGION (Diversity/Inclusion/Equity) hymn books.

We have too many enemies working together against US. China/BLM/Islamic Terrorists/Antifa/anarchists they all want the same thing. America toppled and ruined.

Its basically conservatives in the US, and a few in Europe vs the world. We are heavily outnumbered. But we can still win.