Russia to build world’s longest tunnel to Alaska


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Russia to build world’s longest tunnel to Alaska

MOSCOW: Russia plans to build the world’s longest tunnel, a transport and pipeline link under the Bering Strait to Alaska, as part of a $65 billion project to supply the US with oil, natural gas and electricity from Siberia.

The project, which Russia is coordinating with the US and Canada, will take 10 years to 15 years to complete, TKM-World Link, which groups companies involved in the development, said in a statement handed out before a press conference with Russian officials in Moscow on Wednesday.

A 6,000-kilometre (3,700-mile) transport corridor linking the US with Siberia will feed into the tunnel, which at 64 miles will be more than twice as long as the underwater section of the Channel Tunnel between the UK and France. The tunnel will be split into three sections to link between the two islands separating Russia and the US.

“This will be a business project, not a political one,” Maxim Bystov, deputy head of Russia’s agency for special economic zones, said at the press conference. The Bering Strait tunnel will cost $10 billion to $12 billion and the rest of the investment will be spent on the entire transport corridor.

The tunnel will contain a high-speed railway, highway and pipelines, as well as power and fibre-optic cables, according to TKM-World Link. Investors in the so-called public-private partnership include OAO Russian Railways, national utility OAO Unified Energy System and pipeline operator OAO Transneft.

Viktor Razbegin, deputy head of industrial research at the Russian Economy Ministry, said the Russian and US governments may eventually take 25% stakes in the project.
How many refineries have we built vs closed lately ?

bush said something about building them on closed military bases, but I have not heard a peep since about building any more....
Yeah I know some will will whine about ther turbo lib tree huggers and such, But have the oil companies even started any process to build one ?
In the USA that is...
No and you will not see one built.
what you will see if you check is existing refieneries upping capacity big time.
Though we will buy all the oil Russia can ship to us. That way Cali & Florida can have their beaches without seeing oil rigs. We'll deplete other contries first and either develop alt or start with Fla.
No and you will not see one built.
what you will see if you check is existing refieneries upping capacity big time.
Though we will buy all the oil Russia can ship to us. That way Cali & Florida can have their beaches without seeing oil rigs. We'll deplete other contries first and either develop alt or start with Fla.

For all the complaints about tree huggers in Cali, we DO have offshore oil wells, and we're the nation's fourth largest producer of oil.

So florida republicans can STFU about how cali is not pulling it's weight

Yepper on the FL republicans, they deserve to pay more for gas.
KY produces quite a bit of oil and natural gas...

And on the upping refinery capacities, why would they want to do that, it would cut into their profits....They actually closed refineries after mergers.
Yepper on the FL republicans, they deserve to pay more for gas.
KY produces quite a bit of oil and natural gas...

And on the upping refinery capacities, why would they want to do that, it would cut into their profits....They actually closed refineries after mergers.

I love when republicans in virginia, north carolina, and georgia lecture california on not doing enough to produce more domestic oil, when we've produced - and are producing - more oil and gas than virutally every other state. I'm pretty sure those aforementioned east coast states haven't produced a drop of oil
yep but they sure do love to burn it cypress. btw I believe PA does produce some oil and WVA as well.

What did ever happen to Bushs talk of building more refineries anyway ?
Oil companies told him to shut his trap or something ?
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Don't believe me USC ask cypress.
Refineries don't get shut after acquisitions. Demand over the last 20 yrs has been going up, so capacity has to.
It cost more than millions to shut one down. You add capacity to meet demand at a profitable price.:clink:
Not sure if cypress was an engineer or geologist.
I'm in finance and Texaco had two major acquistions and numers small ones. We got acquired by Chevron and then they bought Unocal. Chevron is the four largest US company. Not one refinery in any of those companies got shut down. Most expanded, small ones may get sold and you may find a couple shut down but it's far from material if it even happens.
For all the complaints about tree huggers in Cali, we DO have offshore oil wells, and we're the nation's fourth largest producer of oil.

So florida republicans can STFU about how cali is not pulling it's weight


This is true. I wasn't a big fan of shore skyline because of this.