

a member named bob
i saw this artical today and got me thinking again, do any of you think putin is tring to bring back the old ways of russia ?

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia's youths admire Soviet dictator Josef Stalin -- who presided over the deaths of millions of people -- and want to kick immigrants out of Russia, according to a poll released on Wednesday.

The poll, carried out by the Yuri Levada Centre, was presented by two U.S. academics who called it "The Putin Generation: the political views of Russia's youth".

When asked if Stalin was a wise leader, half of the 1,802 respondents, aged from 16 to 19, agreed he was.

"Fifty-four percent agreed that Stalin did more good than bad," said Theodore Gerber, a sociologist from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. "Forty-six percent disagreed with the statement that Stalin was a cruel tyrant."

Stalin, who took over from Vladimir Lenin, built a system of terror and repression in which tens millions of people died or were killed. He died in 1953.

"What we find troubling is that there is a substantial proportion of young people in Russia today who hold positive or ambivalent views on Stalin and his legacy," Gerber said.

"We think it would probably be more appropriate if there was more condemnation of the Stalin era."

The poll showed 17 percent of the young people disagreed that Stalin was responsible for the imprisonment, torture and execution of millions of innocent people, while 40 percent thought his role in the repression had been exaggerated.

The majority of respondents thought the collapse of the Soviet Union was a tragedy and two thirds thought that America was a rival and enemy. Only a fifth viewed Iran as a potential rival or enemy.

Most young people also wanted immigrants kicked out of Russia: 62 percent said they agreed with the statement that the Russian government should evict most immigrants.

But 64 percent agreed with the idea that immigrants should be allowed to have Russian citizenship if they abided with Russian laws and customs.

The poll showed the biggest concern for the youth was the problem of drugs, followed by unemployment, poverty, corruption, education, crime, HIV/AIDS and ecology.
Nothing's changed. Like many countries, Russia has always been fairly xenophobic, and in denial about wrong doing in their past. This is not unusual. Japanese are largely unware of the atrocities committed by japan in WW2. We ourselves, are largely unaware of the nature and scale of the genocide of native americans. The catholic church took 500 years to own up to the crimes they committed, throughout history.

Its always tough to be self-critical, or come to terms with the ugly nature of our past.
Nothing's changed. Like many countries, Russia has always been fairly xenophobic, and in denial about wrong doing in their past. This is not unusual. Japanese are largely unware of the atrocities committed by japan in WW2. We ourselves, are largely unaware of the nature and scale of the genocide of native americans. The catholic church took 500 years to own up to the crimes they committed, throughout history.

Its always tough to be self-critical, or come to terms with the ugly nature of our past.

vary true... i guess its not just this artical that got me... just all the stuff going on with the hit men and britin, their claim to the north pole and a few other things... i going to have to ask my friend what he thinks of putin, he grew up in russia until he was in his late teens.
One of the biggest problems is that the state controls the press to a large degree in Russia and the public is not exposed to the same level of information as the rest of the world. It is still somewhat better than during the Soviet era, but highly alarming nonetheless.

We should continue to engage the Russians and continue to foster free trade between us. Not to mention, provide a far better example of liberty than we currently do. Removing the f**king neoncons from the Oval Office would be a good start. Rescinding the Patriot Act, use of torture, never violating Habeas Corpus, and the Defense Authorization act, which gives the President enormous and unconsitutional power in declaring martial law and control over states' national guards would be the next logical steps. Not a good bet that the Dems will do much towards these ends.
One of the biggest problems is that the state controls the press to a large degree in Russia and the public is not exposed to the same level of information as the rest of the world. It is still somewhat better than during the Soviet era, but highly alarming nonetheless.

We should continue to engage the Russians and continue to foster free trade between us. Not to mention, provide a far better example of liberty than we currently do. Removing the f**king neoncons from the Oval Office would be a good start. Rescinding the Patriot Act, use of torture, never violating Habeas Corpus, and the Defense Authorization act, which gives the President enormous and unconsitutional power in declaring martial law and control over states' national guards would be the next logical steps. Not a good bet that the Dems will do much towards these ends.

What makes you believe the democrats won't do it? Rescinding the Patriot Act I agree probably won't happen. But I think they will move on the torture and fully restoring Habeas Corpus.
i saw this artical today and got me thinking again, do any of you think putin is tring to bring back the old ways of russia ?

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia's youths admire Soviet dictator Josef Stalin -- who presided over the deaths of millions of people -- and want to kick immigrants out of Russia, according to a poll released on Wednesday.

The poll, carried out by the Yuri Levada Centre, was presented by two U.S. academics who called it "The Putin Generation: the political views of Russia's youth".

When asked if Stalin was a wise leader, half of the 1,802 respondents, aged from 16 to 19, agreed he was.

"Fifty-four percent agreed that Stalin did more good than bad," said Theodore Gerber, a sociologist from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. "Forty-six percent disagreed with the statement that Stalin was a cruel tyrant."

Stalin, who took over from Vladimir Lenin, built a system of terror and repression in which tens millions of people died or were killed. He died in 1953.

"What we find troubling is that there is a substantial proportion of young people in Russia today who hold positive or ambivalent views on Stalin and his legacy," Gerber said.

"We think it would probably be more appropriate if there was more condemnation of the Stalin era."

The poll showed 17 percent of the young people disagreed that Stalin was responsible for the imprisonment, torture and execution of millions of innocent people, while 40 percent thought his role in the repression had been exaggerated.

The majority of respondents thought the collapse of the Soviet Union was a tragedy and two thirds thought that America was a rival and enemy. Only a fifth viewed Iran as a potential rival or enemy.

Most young people also wanted immigrants kicked out of Russia: 62 percent said they agreed with the statement that the Russian government should evict most immigrants.

But 64 percent agreed with the idea that immigrants should be allowed to have Russian citizenship if they abided with Russian laws and customs.

The poll showed the biggest concern for the youth was the problem of drugs, followed by unemployment, poverty, corruption, education, crime, HIV/AIDS and ecology.

Someone has to fight the bush version of democracy at the muzzle of a gun.

And this is not just Bush bashin.