APP - Russian collusion narrative is officially dead



Today's NYT article is the first volley in the deep state trying to contain the explosive nature of their crimes. There are so many holes in the dam it is becoming unsustainable.

Here is the major contradiction. The NYT reported that the investigation into Trump's campaign was due to a "chance" drunken meeting between Papadopolous and an ambassador from Australia. You know because coincidences like that happen all the time.

We know that the investigation into Trump officially began in July 2016 yet the FBI didn't interview the Australian Ambassador until August. So how could what the Ambassador said have led to the investigation in July when he wasn't interviewed until August?

Someone is going to have to explain the contradiction.

Today's NYT article smells of a preemptive shot by the deep state to justify their crimes in advance of the IG report.

Comey and McCabe are unusually quiet.