Russian report; Ukraine ordered destuction of biological weapons evidence.


Satire for Sanity
Russia claims Ukraine destroying evidence of US-funded bioweapons program
Russia’s Defense Ministry says Kiev ordered scientists to destroy samples of plague, anthrax, and other lethal pathogens


As Russian troops entered Ukraine, the government in Kiev ordered the “emergency destruction” of pathogens including plague and anthrax at US-funded laboratories near the Russian border, the Ministry of Defense in Moscow claimed on Sunday. Earlier rumors that the Russian military was targeting US-run biolabs were written off as conspiracy theories, but the ministry has promised to back up its claims with documents.

“We have received documentation from employees of Ukrainian biolaboratories on the emergency destruction on February 24 of especially dangerous pathogens of plague, anthrax, tularemia, cholera and other deadly diseases,” read a statement from the ministry.

The statement accused the “Kiev regime” of conducting an “emergency cleansing” to hide evidence of the supposed biological weapons program, which the ministry claimed was funded by the US, and involved the production of “biological weapons components” at at least two laboratories in the cities of Poltava and Kharkov, both of which have seen intense fighting between Russian and Ukrainian forces in recent days.

The documents published by the ministry purportedly include an order from the Ukrainian Ministry of Health to destroy the pathogens, and lists of the germs in question.

The Russians have always pointed to the Ukrainian neo-Nazi factions . They should be taken seriously.
Russian report; well that settles it

Nobody said that, did they?

Apart from Y O U, of course.

It certainly does appear to "settle it" when a Ukrainian tells a torrid tale that Zelenskyy's zipper-pullers want to believe though, doesn't it?
They should be taken seriously.

Yes, people saw this coming. If Russian troops take too long to crush Ukraine with conventional bombardment, they will get the green light to use bacteriological weapons - WHICH THEY HAVE. It will be 'in retaliation', of course. RT is preparing the ground.
It would seem Russian reports are only to be believed if they end up helping politicians that all happen to have a big blue D after their name. Funny how that works isnt it....
China urges Pentagon to open up about ‘biolabs’ in Ukraine
Beijing said that the US defense department controls 336 laboratories around the world


China’s foreign ministry has called on the US to disclose information on the Pentagon’s alleged biological laboratories in Ukraine “as soon as possible”.

On Monday, the Russian military said Ukrainian authorities had been destroying pathogens studied at its laboratories. Moscow claimed that 30 US-financed Ukrainian biolabs have been actively cooperating with the American military.

Kiev has denied developing bioweapons. According to the website of the US embassy in Kiev, the US Department of Defense’s Biological Threat Reduction Program only “collaborates with partner countries to counter the threat of outbreaks” of infectious diseases. In 2020, the embassy called such theories about US-funded biolabs in Ukraine "disinformation."

Speaking at a press briefing on Tuesday, however, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian claimed that, according to his country’s information, the laboratories in Ukraine are just “a tip of an iceberg” and that the US Department of Defense “controls 336 biological laboratories in 30 countries around the world.” This is done under the pretext of “cooperating to reduce biosecurity risks” and “strengthening global public health,” Zhao said.

It is the first time that Beijing has disclosed the alleged figure. Zhao said that according to data “released by the United States itself,” there are 26 US laboratories in Ukraine. In light of Russia’s military offensive in the country, he urged “all parties concerned” to ensure the safety of the labs.

Russia makes new claims on US-financed biolabs in UkraineREAD MORE: Russia makes new claims on US-financed biolabs in Ukraine
“In particular, the United States, as the party which knows these laboratories best, should publish the relevant details as soon as possible, including which viruses are stored and which research has been carried out,” he said.

He claimed the US “has been exclusively obstructing” the establishment of an independent verification mechanism. Such behavior, Zhao said, “further aggravates the concerns of the international community.”

According to a report in The Rio Times, the US embassy in Ukraine deleted all information about Pentagon-financed bio-labs in the country from its website on February 26. However, journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva claimed embassy staff forgot to remove a document showing that the Pentagon is funding two new biolabs in Kiev and Odessa.

“Ukraine has no control over the military biolabs. The Ukrainian government is not allowed to release sensitive information about the program,” the Brazilian news outlet claimed.

Serious accusations.
Before a Senate Committee today, the Obama official in charge of Ukraine admits it

Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland admits Ukraine has "biological research facilities"

Haw.................haw.......................haw. ....................haw.
Lol, this dumbfuck is quoting from Russia Today, which is funded entirely by the Russian government.

You win today's Most Observant Moron award.
Would you prefer a gallon of Coco-Cola or twenty pounds of McDonald's fries ?

Haw, haw.....................................haw.
Moonie, go back to creating anti Semitic posts.

Anti-Zionist, corpse-fiddler. Zionism is a fascist doctrine of ethnic cleansing. Ask me about it.

Judaism, on the other hand;


Haw, haw.....................................haw.
Moscow calls for strengthening bioweapons treaty
Mandatory international inspections could keep US labs in check, Russia suggested

An international treaty banning bioweapons needs to be strengthened with a compliance verification mechanism, contrary to the US position on the issue, Moscow said on Wednesday. The call comes in the wake of the reported discovery of evidence that there were lethal pathogens at Pentagon-backed labs in Ukraine.

The Russian military reported this week that Ukrainian authorities had ordered the destruction of highly pathogenic samples that were stored at US-backed biological labs throughout the country.

The purported documents indicate that both Ukraine and the US breached the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention (BWC), which both nations signed and ratified, the Russian foreign ministry alleged on Wednesday. The order to destroy the samples was an attempt to cover up the violations of the treaty, it said.
