APP - Russian says CRU tampered with Russian temp data

More bump for warmers. This will fit right into their Russian conspiracy theories with regard to the supposed "hacking" of the CRU emails.

What's becoming increasingly aware to people who have taken a look at the emails and actually read them is that the only person these emails center around that has not spoken up as of yet on anything climategate related is none other than Keith Briffa, one of the star players in this saga.

Word on the internet is that he's the whistleblower.
It makes sense too. He was becoming the focus of the sceptics. His name was begining to be tossed around those he knew were frauds. Briffa knew he had acted unethically for the team and he knew they'd be throwing him under the bus very soon. Just look how Mann has hung Phil Jones out to dry. Briffa had access to the server. Briffa is potrayed as someone who reluctantly complied with the team's request to shape the data in the narrative the emails create. Briffa voices doubts and seems to be one of the voices crying for science to prevail.

I believe it's possible Briffa is our "hacker". And I think Dr. Briffa probably realized his only hope at not becoming a punchline was to expose the fraud.

The facts of the email leak are this
nearly 5 weeks before the dump to the russian server, the entire file was sent to the BBC. They sat on it.

Before the files were placed on the russian server, they were placed at RealClimate where they were promptly deleted (suprise!!).

Finally, the files were placed on the russian server and the rest is literally history