Guno צְבִי
We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
The financial fallout over Russia's invasion of Ukraine struck another blow on Thursday, as Moody's Investors Service dropped its long-term debt rating for the Russian government from Baa3 to B3 — a six-notch freefall that leaves Russia's credit firmly in the "junk," or non-investment grade status.
Moody's also downgraded the Russian ruble in its short-term ratings, to "not prime."
Both the dollar and euro again hit all-time highs against the ruble on Moscow's currency market Thursday, according to Russia's state-run Tass media. The outlet reports that the dollar had risen by nearly 12% shortly before noon, local time.
Economic turmoil has kept the Moscow stock exchange closed for four consecutive days this week, as Russia's central bank grasps for ways to bring a sense of stability to a chaotic situation.
A shame the average Russian will feel the pain
Moody's also downgraded the Russian ruble in its short-term ratings, to "not prime."
Both the dollar and euro again hit all-time highs against the ruble on Moscow's currency market Thursday, according to Russia's state-run Tass media. The outlet reports that the dollar had risen by nearly 12% shortly before noon, local time.
Economic turmoil has kept the Moscow stock exchange closed for four consecutive days this week, as Russia's central bank grasps for ways to bring a sense of stability to a chaotic situation.
A shame the average Russian will feel the pain