Russia's credit rating is cut to junk, and the dollar hits a new high vs. the ruble

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
The financial fallout over Russia's invasion of Ukraine struck another blow on Thursday, as Moody's Investors Service dropped its long-term debt rating for the Russian government from Baa3 to B3 — a six-notch freefall that leaves Russia's credit firmly in the "junk," or non-investment grade status.

Moody's also downgraded the Russian ruble in its short-term ratings, to "not prime."

Both the dollar and euro again hit all-time highs against the ruble on Moscow's currency market Thursday, according to Russia's state-run Tass media. The outlet reports that the dollar had risen by nearly 12% shortly before noon, local time.

Economic turmoil has kept the Moscow stock exchange closed for four consecutive days this week, as Russia's central bank grasps for ways to bring a sense of stability to a chaotic situation.

A shame the average Russian will feel the pain
I feel very badly for average Russian citizens. This Putin-war is hurting and destroying so many lives. What a monster.