

Worst gambler ever
Yesterday, I was driving to the grocery store right near my house on Kalanianaole Highway and the other side of the street was blocked off at Wa'a. There was a station wagon with a smashed in passenger side windshield parked and cops everywhere. Photographers were taking pictures of a pair of Vans in the middle of the road, and I heard an ambulance coming.

Apparently an 85 year old man had been crossing at a crosswalk with no light, and an 82 year old woman didn't see him. The guy died today, after about 24 hours in the hospital.

I feel horrible for this guy and his family. I feel horrible for the lady that hit him. I can't shake the feeling, the sight of his shoes in the street.
I think this poor woman who hit him is going to go through serious hell over this.

Imagine, living the bulk of your life, and then at that stage, getting hit by a car at full speed, or hitting someone with your car. Fucking awful.

Those shoes in the street. Jesus.
I was once hit by a shoe while waiting for a bus after some idiot tried to cross Colfax. My father and I were waiting for the bus, and some dude was hit by a car, his shoe flew off and hit me in the head. It was disconcerting.
we must stop old on old violence.

proof that old people should not drive cars. they are too stupid, lack reflexes, drive to slow and just suck in general.

as for the rest, guess what's worse than shoes in the street? glass in your face.
we must stop old on old violence.

proof that old people should not drive cars. they are too stupid, lack reflexes, drive to slow and just suck in general.

as for the rest, guess what's worse than shoes in the street? glass in your face.

Grind, as much as I like you, you're wrong on this one. This area is very low in visibility, very low on pedestrian awareness. If anything, there should be a stoplight at the place where this guy was killed. It has low visibility, it is a shitbox of a crosswalk.

If you ever come out here, you have a place to stay, and I'll show you the fucked up nature of the streets here.
Pretty sure a 20 something would have stopped. I wonder if the little old lady knew where she was.
Pretty sure a 20 something would have stopped. I wonder if the little old lady knew where she was.

If you saw the intesection, you might think otherwise. Seriously. Its a shit intesection. Its not the first death there either.
Pretty sure a 20 something would have stopped. I wonder if the little old lady knew where she was.

According to national statistics and according to Insurance carriers...the 20 something crowd is the highest risk for fatal thats why they have a higher insurance rate...nice going Grindy!

This is a viable solution to the social security crisis. Let's get oldies faster cars and encourage them to take long walks.

UHH we have oldies invented muscle cars...and we still partake in the sport...
You Talking to me?

Why do you guys have to be such assholes? You'd only encouter such assholism in America.

If so because we have to deal with dip shit kids who think they know everything...get back when you grow up and have experienced life outside the classroom!...Kay?
Why do you guys have to be such assholes? You'd only encouter such assholism in America.

Its an attempt to avoid feelings. They never learned how to process their feelings in an adult manner so they do what they know how to do which is to bury their feelings and pretend they have none. It only puts off the process and unless dealt with will stunt them emotionally for their entire lives. I have known people who lived this way their entire lives and its very sad indeed because they will never know a true adult relationship in their lives.
Yesterday, I was driving to the grocery store right near my house on Kalanianaole Highway and the other side of the street was blocked off at Wa'a. There was a station wagon with a smashed in passenger side windshield parked and cops everywhere. Photographers were taking pictures of a pair of Vans in the middle of the road, and I heard an ambulance coming.

Apparently an 85 year old man had been crossing at a crosswalk with no light, and an 82 year old woman didn't see him. The guy died today, after about 24 hours in the hospital.

I feel horrible for this guy and his family. I feel horrible for the lady that hit him. I can't shake the feeling, the sight of his shoes in the street.

That's a horrible thing to see someone die right in front of your eyes. It never really leaves you. Last year I saw a car, that evidently had a Mom and three kids in it, demolished in a head on collision by a truck. Four lives snuffed out in a nanosecond. I still think about those kids, and the Mom, and wonder if there's a widowed spouse somewhere, who is carrying this burden and sadness with them to the grave.