Sadam Sentenced to Be Hanged


JPP Modarater
BAGHDAD, Iraq - Iraq's High Tribunal on Sunday found Saddam Hussein guilty of crimes against humanity and sentenced him to hang for the 1982 killing of 148 Shiites in the city of Dujail. The visibly shaken former leader shouted "God is great!"


Before you cons start getting off, this still does not make the death of thousands of soldiers & Iraqi's, the destabilization of an entire region and our future never ending obligation to the region worth it.
Naah Demwit, they can't actually sell tickets, but I am sure you can buy yourself a seat at the event.
There's a turn up for the books, eh?

I was expecting 100 hours community service and a $500 fine. Still, you can't beat a good hanging; a rope is so much more civilised than electricity or needles.