Sadam to be hanged Sunday !

Hang onto your hats folks! The new year might start off with a bang :(

BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) — Saddam Hussein's lawyer made a last-ditch effort to impede his execution Thursday, beseeching world leaders to prevent the United States from handing over the ousted dictator to Iraqi authorities who plan to hang him.

What a fucking joke. Four years into this war, and we still don't trust the iraqi security forces to guard Saddam. He's been held in detention by american forces this whole time.
I can see why the shia-dominated government is doing this.

They want saddam dead, and a quick execution doesn't give sunni insurgents much time to plan attacks.
We are upset ????
I am thinking that some of the Iraqi will be upset, where did this we are upset come from ?
We are upset ????
I am thinking that some of the Iraqi will be upset, where did this we are upset come from ?
All of the "Oh Nooooooeees! It will be the end of the world if we lets them do tihs!!!111!!!!" posts...

Either we stand aside and let them make their own decisions or we simply go in and become the government, none of this in between crap that mucks us all up.
When will we stand aside Damo ?
Hopefully soon. Being militarily responsive to their government is not the same thing as being their government.

It is substantially absurd to suggest that standing back from government and justice there is the same as leaving now... or to suggest that somehow I have some approval of our presence there when I have been clear from before the war that I disapprove of all undeclared war. It puts people like you in danger to the detriment of the nation...
It does not put people like me in danger Damo. I did my time and they don't want an old grunt like me back at my age anyway. For which I am eternally grateful.
It does not put people like me in danger Damo. I did my time and they don't want an old grunt like me back at my age anyway. For which I am eternally grateful.
No, it put you in danger... You did your time, and were in danger. Do you think Viet Nam was a benefit to the US? I disagree every time with undeclared war. So far every one of them has ended poorly.
No, it put you in danger... You did your time, and were in danger. Do you think Viet Nam was a benefit to the US? I disagree every time with undeclared war. So far every one of them has ended poorly.

I agree and the problem lies with the legislature. Declare war, on states or organizations, maybe even ideologies.
Today is Friday...

Saddam will be gone before Sunday...thats a fact Jack..although I must admitt he did keep the radical Shiites in order...did we get it wrong...maybe...,but then again I was just a soldier and Intell what do I know??? All of them should be dealt with Sunnis as well as Shiites...!:eek:
With this...

No, it put you in danger... You did your time, and were in danger. Do you think Viet Nam was a benefit to the US? I disagree every time with undeclared war. So far every one of them has ended poorly.

I whole heartedly agree...Korea as well as VN should have been declared a War as well as Iraq and Afghanistan...then we would not be having all this political diatribe about who did what to who!
I whole heartedly agree...Korea as well as VN should have been declared a War as well as Iraq and Afghanistan...then we would not be having all this political diatribe about who did what to who!

No, if the proper protocol were followed, it is more likely that these wars wouldn't have even been wars. Same goes for Iraq. These pussy assed politicians wouldn't want to actually give the war declaration when so obviously, the wars weren't necessary.
Saddam is supposed to be hanged between 7:30 and 8:00 pm Eastern time. This means he may at this very moment be walking towards the gallows.
No, it put you in danger... You did your time, and were in danger. Do you think Viet Nam was a benefit to the US? I disagree every time with undeclared war. So far every one of them has ended poorly.

Oh Yeah, the undeclared war powers thing, it sure did put me in danger.
Still in a bit of danger from it, my soul never did heal up right.
And I did NOT volunteer.
Sorry I misread that, you are so right.
Saddam is supposed to be hanged between 7:30 and 8:00 pm Eastern time. This means he may at this very moment be walking towards the gallows.
Oops. I was an hour off. Saddam will soon be walking towards the gallows as reports are that he will be hanged between 7:30 and 8:00 pm EDT.