Saddam Verdict expected on Nov 7

Ooops. I mean on the same date... I seriously doubt that real-time news can effect the election quite that much.
Ill check... the 5th would be consistant with the way Bush uses the war on terror for political reasons.
Are you suggesting that democrats are opposed to the Saddam trial? Do you consider him innocent of the charges? Will you stand out and support Saddam now?
Nah, it's one of those dichotomatic posts...

Bush is dumb as rocks, and at the same time masterminds huge conspiracies and controls Iraq courts down to the smallest minutia...
and I would guess that Bush would appreciate a guy like Saddam about now to put the lid back on this sectarian boiling pot.
No Maine, I think Bush believes in that democracy thing and really thinks that Muslims can be rational human being. I question that second assumption.
No Maine, I think Bush believes in that democracy thing and really thinks that Muslims can be rational human being. I question that second assumption.

Sadly enough I have to agree with you toby on what Bush believes.....
I also believe and Know for a fact that Muslims can be and most are rational human beings. However they have different customs, religion, history and lifestyles than we do and bush's vision of democracy in the middle east will not be viable for many years. Hence the mess we are in over there.
I don't consider someone who would kill another person over what they believe to be a rational human being. but that's just me. You are welcome to think otherwise, I won't kill you. LOL
I dunno, we just have bombs and they chop people's heads off. Many times in the past few years I have heard the phrase" Just nuke me all and let god sort em out", spoken by "fine christian" folks. Another common "Christian" name for muslim folks is sand n@$$^#.
One is talk on the internet and one is actually killing people. Which is worse to you?

:) Well those same people elected and backed those who did their killing for them. Now I ask you which killing by proxy or having the balls to do it in person ?