Saddam Video: Caution More Graphic Than TV

I heard there was going to be some kind of "investigation" as to why people were allowed to talk during this. Apparently people were telling him to go to he|| when he being hung.

People need to get lives and move on.
That wasn't Saddam just one of his clones. He is alive and well and living in the Congo.

We will see these stories all to soon.
That wasn't Saddam just one of his clones. He is alive and well and living in the Congo.

We will see these stories all to soon.
Have you heard the weirdos who claim that Hitler lives in the hollow Earth? They believe that there is an opening into the Hollow Earth at the North pole where races of people live upside down from us...

Frikcing nutjobs. Although I can see Saddam and Hitler running through the low burning flame holding hands in Hell.... I find it unlikely that he lives invertedly beneath our feet...
Has anyone considered what doors this has opened ? An outside power invades /occupies a sovern nation and has it's leader executed. I know the Iraqi tried Sadam, but who set those leaders up and who held Sadam in custody and released him to the hangman ?
Just wondering what impact this will have on future world policy....
Actually no, though I do think that there are some things worth documenting and bearing witness to.

With a cell phone camera?

No one's shedding any tears for saddam, but I think this execution was bungled. It looked like a lynching by a Shia mob, more than an orderly execution run by a government who operates under the rule of law.
Has anyone considered what doors this has opened ? An outside power invades /occupies a sovern nation and has it's leader executed. I know the Iraqi tried Sadam, but who set those leaders up and who held Sadam in custody and released him to the hangman ?
Just wondering what impact this will have on future world policy....
How many Nazi leaders were executed?
With a cell phone camera?

No one's shedding any tears for saddam, but I think this execution was bungled. It looked like a lynching by a Shia mob, more than an orderly execution run by a government who operates under the rule of law.

I thought it to be a pretty good representation of the govt that is currently in Iraq.
Yeah, pretty much. Just mayhem and confusion, graft and corruption. Any real change from Sadam ?

I'd say that's a big change from when Sadam ruled. Under Sadam there was a lot less mayhem and confusion. If you opposed him you were killed, end of story. That's about as straight forward as you can get.
Have you heard the weirdos who claim that Hitler lives in the hollow Earth? They believe that there is an opening into the Hollow Earth at the North pole where races of people live upside down from us...

Frikcing nutjobs. Although I can see Saddam and Hitler running through the low burning flame holding hands in Hell.... I find it unlikely that he lives invertedly beneath our feet...

LOL! Its more likely that he is in some fictional place called Hell that in some fictional place under the Earth?