Said He Was Proud to Be 'First Black Woman'

It just keeps getting weirder,.......I knew Josie had A LOT of problems upstairs but I never knew he/she was a trannie on top of everything else! Hey,....maybe he/she can get together with Big mike MOOCHelle Obama and they can be the first transexual couple in the White house. Oh wait,....maybe that was already done with Moochelle and Barry. Who knows anymore,....frikkin Dems are so damn weird. Next they will want to throw little mayor Petie into the mix too and he can give lessons on breast feeding. Talk about a party of OFF THE RAILS NUTJOBS!
It just keeps getting weirder,.......I knew Josie had A LOT of problems upstairs but I never knew he/she was a trannie on top of everything else! Hey,....maybe he/she can get together with Big mike MOOCHelle Obama and they can be the first transexual couple in the White house. Oh wait,....maybe that was already done with Moochelle and Barry. Who knows anymore,....frikkin Dems are so damn weird. Next they will want to throw little mayor Petie into the mix too and he can give lessons on breast feeding. Talk about a party of OFF THE RAILS NUTJOBS!

The White House will have to be disinfected when these freaks leave on Jan. 20.

Cocaine Hunter probably hid bags of cocaine all over the White House.

The White House will have to be disinfected when these freaks leave on Jan. 20.

Cocaine Hunter probably hid bags of cocaine all over the White House.
Exactly. Might have to scrub the entire place down with bleach when these goofballs are ran out.
It is very close to being morning in America.

Just a few months of these degenerate freaks in the White House.

The citizenship of these freaks should be removed and they should be deported…to China, Iran, N.K., or Russia.
Sounds like the far right nutballs are all in a dither today.

Why do you guys get so upset when someone makes the opposite decision from you made?

You guys decided to become heterosexuals rather than homosexuals. I hope it wasn't too hard a decision.

Luckily, I never had to make that decision. Never have been turned on sexually by a man or boy. By woman...yes. Unfortunately, too much so. Fucked anything that walked...tall, short, fat, skinny, attractive, decidedly not so attractive.

So for you was a decision...and you made it. Why so much anger and scorn for the ones who took the other road? Do you regret your decision? Have you fantasized about sucking some guys cock...just to remind yourself of what you gave up?

C'mon. Some people like peaches...some apples...some pears.

Live and let live for Chrissake.
Exactly. Might have to scrub the entire place down with bleach when these goofballs are ran out.
Don't leave any of that bleach lying around. The abomination might stumble on it and inject it into his veins.

Ummm...on second thought...maybe...uhhh...ya know.

Bible Gateway › verse › 1 Corinthians ...

Those who live immoral lives, who are idol worshipers, adulterers or homosexuals—will have no share in his Kingdom. Neither will thieves or greedy people, ...
Sounds like the far right nutballs are all in a dither today.

Why do you guys get so upset when someone makes the opposite decision from you made?

You guys decided to become heterosexuals rather than homosexuals. I hope it wasn't too hard a decision.

Luckily, I never had to make that decision. Never have been turned on sexually by a man or boy. By woman...yes. Unfortunately, too much so. Fucked anything that walked...tall, short, fat, skinny, attractive, decidedly not so attractive.

So for you was a decision...and you made it. Why so much anger and scorn for the ones who took the other road? Do you regret your decision? Have you fantasized about sucking some guys cock...just to remind yourself of what you gave up?

C'mon. Some people like peaches...some apples...some pears.

Live and let live for Chrissake.
I love how proud you are of being an abject retard
I helped the AF get rid of more than one deviant…those that were reported to me. Article 125 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). That Article should be extant now.

It was illegal then.

It should be now.
I love how proud you are of being an abject retard
I didn't defend anybody.

I asked a question...which, by the way, you dodged.
Sure you did. You idiots are trying desperately to deny that your leader is an escapee from a dementia unit.

I'll happily answer. Im a straight gay black Asian handicapped transgendered citizen of the world. Prove me wrong.
Sure you did. You idiots are trying desperately to deny that your leader is an escapee from a dementia unit.

I'll happily answer. Im a straight gay black Asian handicapped transgendered citizen of the world. Prove me wrong.
If you had written, "I am a fucking moron"...I wouldn't even try to prove you wrong.