Samantha Power Cleaning Up For Kamala Harris


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Biden is not the brightest guy in the world:

but sending Benedict Arnold in to clean up for Elmer Fudd is new low for brain dead Biden:

Power is all in nation-building, and cut her teeth during the Soros color revolutions of the 1990s, focusing at the time on genocide in Bosnia.

She's a policy nerd, and a United Nations-loving globalist bureaucrat. That's what she does, that's who she is. She's got the eurotrash sensibility down pat. Being from Ireland, America for her is a convenient vehicle with lots of money to get that globalist Davos-style nation-building done. It should be no surprise that she would know well how to do the staff work and administer the aid.

June 12, 2021
Biden sending in Samantha Power to clean up after Kamala Harris in Central America??
By Monica Showalter

Power is one of the Democrat criminals who got away with treason because Scummy Joe Biden stole the election:

Of all the political stories from 2017, surely the most curious is this: why is everyone ignoring the bombshell revelations from Samantha Power?

As you recall, Power was caught using her security clearance as a U.N. ambassador to review private conversations by U.S. citizens. According to official records, she requested the unmasking of these private citizens over 260 times in 2016 (this was an election year). She was brought before the House Intelligence Committee to explain her actions.

Her defense? It wasn't me. Someone else in the Obama White House did this, using her security clearance.

There are two possibilities: that she is telling the truth, in which case someone else in the Obama administration is lying. Or she is lying herself.

Let's consider the implications if she's lying. Power, a supposed human rights activist and darling of the left, came into her office every day – Monday through Friday, 52 weeks a year – and did some reading. But instead of the New York Times, or her favorite blog, she was reading the transcripts of private conversations of her fellow Americans, wiretapped by federal agents. And not only that, but she made a request each day on average to unmask a U.S. citizen in those transcripts.

June 6, 2018
Ignoring the Samantha Power bombshell
By Jay Latimer


Samantha Power, who was the US Ambassador to the UN under former President Barack Obama, averaged more than one “unmasking” request for every working day in 2016 — even going so far as to seek the names of Trump associates just before his inauguration, a report says.

Sources told Fox News that Power tried to expose more than 260 people last year, most in the final days of the Obama administration.

The 46-year-old is one of several officials who worked for the former president and are now facing congressional scrutiny for their “unmasking” attempts.

The process is ultimately carried out when one wants to reveal the identity of an individual whose name surfaced in foreign intelligence documents.

Samantha Power allegedly tried to ‘unmask’ Americans on a daily basis
By Chris Perez
September 20, 2017 | 10:35pm


Samantha Power Claimed She Never Tried To Unmask Michael Flynn, But Records Show She Unmasked Him 7 Times
May 13, 2020
By Sean Davis

Scummy Joe is comfortable giving a creature like this a job:

A member of the president’s National Security Council who shares Noam Chomsky’s foreign-policy goals? An influential presidential adviser whom 1960s revolutionary Tom Hayden treats as a fellow radical? A White House official who wrote a book aiming to turn an anti-American, anti-Israel, Marxist-inspired, world-government-loving United Nations bureaucrat into a popular hero? Samantha Power, senior director of multilateral affairs for the National Security Council and perhaps the principal architect of our current intervention in Libya, is all of these things…

So begins a fine April 5th article by National Review’s Stanley Kurtz on Samantha Power, a top international relations advisor to President Obama.

And it gets better – Kurtz calls Power “a patriot’s nightmare — a woman determined to subordinate America’s national sovereignty” to her own vision of how the world ought to work and what global role the US ought to play.

The ugly truth about Obama advisor Samantha Power
April 6, 2011 | Modified: March 16, 2012 at 7:26 am
Neil Hrab

Finally, Samantha Power teamed up with the biggest traitor in America’s history when he was secretary of state:
