Sandy Hook Pt 2

Jade Dragon

And I'm the one that jaded you.
Who gave away our secret of creating false school shootings, in order to disarm the populace? Was it the Keebler Elves? Damn cookie bastards. Because of that I'll only eat two three.....six.
At least I know the retired Budweiser frogs are loyal to the cause.
Frog#1 - Con-
Frog#2 - spir-
Frog#3 - acy

Bloody hell!
The bible of Sandy Hook conspiracy theory is:

"Nobody Died at Sandy Hook - It was a FEMA Drill to Promote Gun Control"
by Jim Fetzer and Mike Palecek.

It runs to over 400 pages and is available free on the internet. Sadly, I haven't read it.

Fetzer is a curious character. He is a retired philosophy professor who co-founded Scholars for 9/11 Truth in 2005 (it soon split into factions). He's also into Holocaust denial, Kennedy assassination, and other "theories".

His motives are unclear. At one time I suspected he was a shill trying to make conspiracy theories in general look ridiculous. Now I think he really believes this stuff.