Sarah Palin Destroys the myth that she might not be a total idiot.


Worst gambler ever


"It would be my honor to assist and support our new president and the new administration," said Palin, whom Sen. John McCain chose as his running mate in August. Watch CNN's Wolf Blitzer interview Palin »

When asked about some of the tough rhetoric she hurled from the stump, she said she was "still concerned" about Obama's ties to former Weather Underground member-turned-Chicago college professor William Ayers.

"If anybody still wants to talk about it, I will," she said. "Because this is an unrepentant domestic terrorist who had campaigned to blow up, to destroy our Pentagon and our U.S. Capitol. Watch Palin talk about Ayers »

"That's an association that still bothers me, and I think it's fair to still talk about it
," she continued.


In her defense, she's way, waaaaayy out of her league.
Just a day or two ago Dixie was still harping on this, calling it a "close" and "personal" relationship he had with mr Ayers.
""In retrospect, in hindsight, I wish I would had more opportunities or that we would have seized more opportunities to speak more," Palin said."

ZOMFG I love this woman. I about had an ulcer worrying that she would literally be a heartattack---I MEAN BEAT-- away from the presidency. Now I can sit back and enjoy the way she parodies herself unintentionally.

Occasionally that little bug that goes "Dude, you live in a country where THAT was so incredibly close to if nothing else the position of VP of the damn country!!!" pops up, but denial helps quite its voice.
We're all laughing from our liberal perch atop America, but out there in the wilderness, the righties are still talking about her in terms of the future. Just last night, O'Reilly was talking about how she's "still a force," because everyone is still talking about her.

It just doesn't get any better, at least politically speaking.
We're all laughing from our liberal perch atop America, but out there in the wilderness, the righties are still talking about her in terms of the future. Just last night, O'Reilly was talking about how she's "still a force," because everyone is still talking about her.

It just doesn't get any better, at least politically speaking.

Yeah, but, I think those guys are in for a surprise. From my perspective, there could be nothing better than the R party following this delusional fool off the cliff, but, I don't think it's going to happen.

I saw Margaret Carlson reporting from the governor's convention and she said that they don't even want her there. They refuse to even talk about her. I think you're going to see the more rational elements of that party, probably at the state levels, cut her off, and start to get behind a couple of rising stars. Personally, I find Christ to be the most formidable. He'd bring florida with him in a national, and he's very popular there, and not just within the republican party. They'd be out of their minds to let Sarah! grab control of the party. I think they're trying to figure out how to get rid of her. Of course...she won't go easily. That's like trying to drown a tomcat.
Remember the good old days when people that lost presidential elections would shut their fucking mouths and go away for a while? How I long for the good old days.
Remember the good old days when people that lost presidential elections would shut their fucking mouths and go away for a while? How I long for the good old days.

i know. she's such a liar. pathological really. last night Olbermann showed her trilling about "i mean, what do i read down there in alaska? we read the same things you read in NY", in a pathological attempt to completely change what Couric asked her. I just wish they'd stop showing her.
Remember the good old days when people that lost presidential elections would shut their fucking mouths and go away for a while? How I long for the good old days.
Nowadays it appears to be the opening of the next election season. I wonder when the ads will start?
Yeah, but, I think those guys are in for a surprise. From my perspective, there could be nothing better than the R party following this delusional fool off the cliff, but, I don't think it's going to happen.

I saw Margaret Carlson reporting from the governor's convention and she said that they don't even want her there. They refuse to even talk about her. I think you're going to see the more rational elements of that party, probably at the state levels, cut her off, and start to get behind a couple of rising stars. Personally, I find Christ to be the most formidable. He'd bring florida with him in a national, and he's very popular there, and not just within the republican party. They'd be out of their minds to let Sarah! grab control of the party. I think they're trying to figure out how to get rid of her. Of course...she won't go easily. That's like trying to drown a tomcat.

If Jesus Christ showed up today he would be lambasted by many of the Right as being a gay-loving tree-hugger. We're talking about a man who spent his time loving the hated of society.
If Jesus Christ showed up today he would be lambasted by many of the Right as being a gay-loving tree-hugger. We're talking about a man who spent his time loving the hated of society.
He would have "healed" them or "converted" them and told them to sin no more. It seemed to be a regular command from Jesus.
He would have "healed" them or "converted" them and told them to sin no more. It seemed to be a regular command from Jesus.

Better than so many other 'commands' from Jesus such as...oh, I don't know...invading a foreign country?

(WWJB?---Who Would Jesus Bomb?)
Better than so many other 'commands' from Jesus such as...oh, I don't know...invading a foreign country?

(WWJB?---Who Would Jesus Bomb?)
Yes, but when your lifestyle is a "sin" it tends to distract from the whole tree hugging experience. While he hanged with sinners, it was because they were sick. In fact, it was exactly what he said. "A doctor doesn't hang out with the healthy..." (paraphrasing) when the Pharisees were "shocked" at him hanging about with hookers and such.

As for who he would bomb, his advice would be "live by the sword, die by the sword". So, living by the sword itself was not a sin, he just suggested your life would be shortened were you to take up arms.
Yes, but when your lifestyle is a "sin" it tends to distract from the whole tree hugging experience. While he hanged with sinners, it was because they were sick. In fact, it was exactly what he said. "A doctor doesn't hang out with the healthy..." (paraphrasing) when the Pharisees were "shocked" at him hanging about with hookers and such.

As for who he would bomb, his advice would be "live by the sword, die by the sword". So, living by the sword itself was not a sin, he just suggested your life would be shortened were you to take up arms.

But..lets not forget this:

You have heard that it was said, "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth." But I say to you, Do not resist one who is evil. But if any one strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also; and if any one would sue you and take your coat, let him have your cloak as well; and if any one forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. Matthew 5.38-41

Some tough stuff to live by ...
Yes, but when your lifestyle is a "sin" it tends to distract from the whole tree hugging experience. While he hanged with sinners, it was because they were sick. In fact, it was exactly what he said. "A doctor doesn't hang out with the healthy..." (paraphrasing) when the Pharisees were "shocked" at him hanging about with hookers and such.

As for who he would bomb, his advice would be "live by the sword, die by the sword". So, living by the sword itself was not a sin, he just suggested your life would be shortened were you to take up arms.

The lepers were sinners (other than in the we're-all-sinners-from-birth way)?

I'd never heard the 'sword' bit before. When it comes to teh Bibble I never know which sword to believe or which cheek had been turned, tbh.
The lepers were sinners (other than in the we're-all-sinners-from-birth way)?

I'd never heard the 'sword' bit before. When it comes to teh Bibble I never know which sword to believe or which cheek had been turned, tbh.
So you never heard the Gethsemane story? You know, three of his closest guys hanging out in a garden sleeping while he prayed, he then gets arrested. One of them hacks off the ear of a Centurion who Christ heals and then he gives that tidbit of advice...

And yes, according to him they were, when they were healed they too were ordered to "go forth and sin no more".

It is possible that he would cast the demons that make them "sinful" into pigs and have them go and drown themselves... because he's just that green ya know? ;)

I can imagine the articles now.