SAS troops find severed heads of 50 Yazidi sex slaves in Syria

cancel2 2022

Total bastards, hopefully they will never be allowed to prevail again.

Elite SAS troops found the severed heads of 50 sex slaves murdered by merciless Islamic State fighters as they led the assault on the terror group's last stronghold, The Mail on Sunday can reveal. The barbaric jihadis had beheaded dozens of Yazidi women before dumping their heads in dustbins.

British Special Forces made the grisly discovery when they entered Baghuz, the besieged town on the banks of the Euphrates in eastern Syria where IS is making its last desperate stand. It followed a fierce close-quarter battle earlier this month during which SAS soldiers fired 600 mortar bombs and tens of thousands of machine-gun rounds, forcing the enemy into a network of tunnels beneath the rubble-strewn town. More than 100 jihadis were killed during the battle. Two British soldiers were wounded, though neither has life-threatening injuries.
Anybody that thinks re-introducing these Religious Assholes back into Western Civilization is NUTS!