Sasha Obama to attend Univ of Michigan

It depends on the curriculum. The University of Michigan has some of the top medical programs in the country.
This thread is really just a celebration of college football essentially starting this evening and that Michigan will always suck.

The obvious question is WHY? If you're going to attend a state school why not attend the best, THE Ohio State University?! When you have options why attend school anywhere in that god forsaken "state up North"?

(Sasha is a beautiful young woman. She just made a very poor decision here.)

Well since they just spent $15 million on a new house they probably didn’t have the money to bribe her way into USC.
It depends on the curriculum. The University of Michigan has some of the top medical programs in the country.

Not to mention the largest student body with 11 toes or more in the Country. Their Medical School is good but it’s not like it’s in the same league as The Ohio State University.