Saudi Wedding - What a bunch of crazy buggers

The US militarily supports these crazy buggers in their genocidal efforts in Yemen and has even provided them with internationally illegal cluster bombs known to have a 90% collateral damage rate in the field.

Iran supplied the Houthis rebels with a million landmines, these have been laid indiscriminately and have caused many casualties to women and children. Anything to say about that?
So waving a dead god man on a stick is sane?

Iran supplied the Houthis rebels with a million landmines, these have been laid indiscriminately and have caused many casualties to women and children. Anything to say about that?

The US also refuses to outlaw landmines...which predominantly kill children.
How many native peoples were slaughtered by the British colonialists?
Few. The British had some conflicts with the Nangaressett tribes during Prince Phillips war and to be quite honest the Tribes of the North East would have annihilated the British from North America during the Seven Years war (French and Indian Wars) has not the brilliant Indian agent Sir. William Johnson, “Waraghiyagay” as the Iroquois called him, negotiated an alliance for the British Crown with the Iroquois. Without the support of the very powerful Iroquois confederation the British most assuredly would have lost the Seven years war in North America and all of Canada would be French speaking.

The true era of genocide against Native Americans in what is now the USA began during the Revolutionary war when George Washington ordered General Sullivan into western New York and the Mohawk valley to wage a war of annihilation using scorched earth tactics to destroy all Iroquois villages, homes, farms and crops and indiscriminately killing men, women and children. Gen. Sullivan was remarkably successful and Gen. Washington continued to use genocide as a matter of national policy from that point on.

So the Brits had many dishonorable dealings with the aboriginal North American people they were no where near as culpable as the American Colonist/Nation was.